International Sleep Day: “I really thought I had something serious,” says DJ Greg Delon

International Sleep Day: “I really thought I had something serious,” says DJ Greg Delon

Le DJ nîmois dort avec un appareil respiratoire depuis un an pour remédier à ses apnées du someil. Midi Libre – Archives Y. P.

Le fondateur et directeur artistique du label nîmois Way of House souffrait d'apnées du sommeil. Depuis devrier 2023, il a été appareillé et revit. Témoignage.

"I've always had problems sleeping. I put it down to my hyperactivity, my pace of life while being a DJ. But it grew and in February 2023, I started to feel very tired when I woke up. I got up with a headache and a body ache. I went to the bathroom five times a night. I had to take naps during the day. I really thought something was wrong with me…"

"I had 32 apnea cycles per night, including 27 where I lacked oxygen"

Very well known in the electronic scene, Greg Delon from Nîmes therefore had a series of medical appointments: gastroenterologist, pulmonologist, until he got to the point of testing his sleep."I was able to do this at home and I received the results a week later: suddenly, everything seemed logical. The doctor told me that I had 32 apnea cycles, 27 of which I lacked oxygen." The specialist's response is immediate: "I'll equip you right away, in two weeks you will be better."

"It'has become my security blanket"

"Bastide medical services came to my home to explain how the machine works. I had to learn to live with it. There are constraints, but faced with the benefits… Once you've tasted it, you clearly can't do without it", admits Greg Delon. Who, from the first days, saw significant changes, which have only been confirmed over time: "I wake up in good shape. Suddenly, I found motivation to play sports again. I no longer have headaches, no more muscle pain, I no longer get up several times a night."

Whether he goes to the other end of France or abroad, his breathing apparatus never leaves him: "C&#39 “has become my security blanket!”, the DJ laughs today. Who has now left his sleeping pills at the bottom of his drawer.

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