“It was our neighbor's boy”: a teenager breaks into a family's home and strangles their sleeping 9-year-old daughter

“It was our neighbor's boy”: a teenager breaks into a family's home and strangles their sleeping 9-year-old daughter

Une jeune fille de 9 ans victime d’un étranglement en pleine nuit. (illustration) Matthew Moloney sur Unsplash

Un adolescent de 17 ans s’est introduit dans une maison en Suisse et a étranglé une jeune fille de 9 ans. Le jeune homme est poursuivi pour tentative d’homicide et une possible tentative de viol.

The facts date back to September 2023 in Baden in the canton of Aargau in Switzerland. This affair is only now coming to light because procedures for minors are carried out behind closed doors, specifies the media Blick. However, the Public Prosecutor's Office confirms that criminal proceedings are underway.

"The choke thing"

The facts are serious. The 17-year-old teenager was returning from an evening where he had been drinking when he decided to enter a house in the neighborhood where he lives. Once inside, he enters a room which is a bedroom. At that moment, the knife that was in his pocket fell and woke up the young girl who was sleeping.

The victim, aged 9 to ask "who is there ?", and the&rsquo ;teenager then decides to do "the strangulation thing", he reported to the police. Alerted by the noises, the parents wake up and put the suspect to flight. He was finally arrested the next morning, at home, in his room.

In the room where the events took place, the knife, his wallet and also a wrapped condom were found on the floor, further away than the other items. The accused explains that the weapon is used to defend himself when he goes out and that he always has a condom when he goes out.

Facing the investigators, he admits to having tried to do a martial art hold on the little girl so that she would faint, as evidenced by the numerous strangulation marks on her face. his neck. But he denies "any sexual offense or attempted assassination", underlines the Swiss media.

The trauma is great. "It’s very hard for us and our daughter. Because it was also our neighbor's boy, whisper the victim's parents.

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