MHSC unlocks its counter in preparation match and wins against Martigues

MHSC unlocks its counter in preparation match and wins against Martigues

Akor Adams a trouvé le chemin des filets face à Martigues. Giacomo italiano

Montpellier a remporté sa première victoire (2-1) de la saison ce mercredi 7 août à Grammont face à Martigues (L2).

It's done, finally. Montpellier waited until their fifth match of preparation and the visit of their neighbors: Martigues (L2) to obtain their first success of the season Wednesday at Grammont. A success likely to restore confidence ten days before the restart on Sunday August 18 at La Mosson (5 p.m.) ahead of Strasbourg in view of the attitude and the game proposed.

Michel Der Zakarian's team, absent due to a family tragedy, thus sweeps aside the three consecutive defeats conceded against the English Southampton, the Italians of Fiorentina and especially against Saint-Etienne, last week in Lunel. It erases the approximations seen in the previous matches, but will have to confirm against a completely different opponent.

First goal for Adams

Montpellier dominated Martigues, managed since this summer by the tactician Thierry Laurey, with a certain mastery around Téji Savanier. The playmaker offered the first goal of the season to Akor Adams, who converted the first of his chances (25th). With the current starters lined up for the first half only, and the return of Becir Omeragic in central defense, Montpellier gave itself reason to hope.

In the second half, with a completely renewed team, the Hérault team maintained the same intentions. In the 55th minute, Wahbi Khazri converted a penalty caused by winger Tanguy Coulibaly. The former Tunisian international, sharp since the restart, scored his fifth goal. Six minutes from the end, Martigues reduced the gap with a goal from centre forward Zouaoui, receiving a cross.

Montpellier will round off six weeks of intense work with a trip to Germany to face Mainz on Saturday afternoon (3:30 p.m.). Then, the excitement or dizziness of the competition will deliver its truths.

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