Midi Libre event: come and meet former President of the Republic François Hollande

Midi Libre event: come and meet former President of the Republic François Hollande

François Hollande, ancien président de la République. MAXPPP

Midi Libre will welcome the former head of state, Wednesday April 24, for an exchange around Europe.

He is both a former President and a personality at the zenith of the polls who is expected, Wednesday April 24, at the heart of the editorial staff of Midi Libre, for a new meeting event.

Signatures, selfies, crowd baths… for several months, François Hollande has returned to insolent popularity on each of his trips.

A backlash in public opinion

The former tenant of the Elysée (2012-2017), who had given up running in 2017, weighed down by polls at half mast, signs a spectacular rose again in opinion surveys, to the point of now establishing himself as one of the favorite political figures of the French, with 29% positive image , by far the first on the left, in the latest Elabe barometer for "Les Échos", published on April 5.

The Ifop barometer for Paris Match on March 13 placed him even on the second step of the podium, behind Edouard Philippe, but ahead of Gabriel Attal and, there too, without rival in his camp.

A success that the socialist, champion of social democracy, owes a lot to the young people who welcome him like a rock star from high school classes to university lecture halls, when he is not don't go to conferences, or signatures in bookstores.

Let's talk Europe as a decisive vote approaches

As the European election on June 9 approaches, François Hollande has just published a new book "Their Europe", aimed at young people and& nbsp;not so young, to explain the workings of this institution and shed light on its issues, as he did five years ago:

This topical topic with multiple implications will be at the heart of the exchange organized, Wednesday April 24, at Mas de grille, the newspaper's headquarters, in Saint -Jean-de-Védas, during a reader event meeting, hosted by the editorial director, Olivier Biscaye.

To participate in this privileged exchange of approximately one hour with the former head of state, you can send your application to the editorial staff (to this address). nbsp;: obiscaye@midilibre.com), motivating her in a few words.

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