Nicolas Forissier, the man who denounced the UBS bank scandal is in Nîmes this Friday

Nicolas Forissier, the man who denounced the UBS bank scandal is in Nîmes this Friday

Nicolas Forissier interviendra dès 9 h 30 à l’université de Nîmes, ce vendredi Midi Libre – C.R

Il est l’un des invités du colloque ouvert au public et organisé par les étudiants Master 2 Droit des affaires à Nîmes, ce vendredi à l’université de Nîmes.

He is the man who denounced the scandal of the Swiss bank UBS (1).Nicolas Forissier is one of the guests of a very interesting conference, organized by Master 2 Business Law students, at the University of Nîmes, this Friday.
Nicolas Forissier is a man « of values ​​and incorruptible » – he claims it -, upright, honest, and courageous.
He was an internal auditor at UBS France (an important position and a regulated function, he recalls) when he investigated, as he had the right to do, then denounced, in his own company, between 2003 and 2006, an accounting system « parallel »allowing cross-border flows, practices and transfers of funds to be hidden « escaping all controls » and colossal tax evasion.
The internal auditor of UBS France thus noted that UBS Switzerland was sending salespeople to France to collect rich clients (including big lottery winners) from its French subsidiary. Meetings between business managers and future customers could be organized in upscale ski resorts or during golf masters. These colossal sums were then transferred and undeclared accounts were opened in Switzerland and escaped any tax control in France.
« I already had suspicions as early as 2001 and I carried out my audit, then presented my report. I asked my management how it could justify such operations. And I refused to modify my report as requested by the Swiss CEO… »

UBS is also a huge political-financial scandal in France, recalls Nicolas Forissier who has everything « made fart in 2007…I knew what was going to happen next. I had already looked for another employer… I was made redundant in 2009." The industrial tribunal considered that this dismissal was abusive. UBS France was referred to court for moral harassment targeting its employee. In total, five UBS France employees, « out of 600 », notes Nicolas Forissier, worked on this file and denounced almost the same facts.
« I regret nothing. This makes me proud. For my children who have always supported me », declares this great defender of the public interest who dreamed, as a child, of becoming a fighter pilot to serve the State. Like his military father or his mother, a teacher.

Nicolas Forissier is also one of those who campaigned for the status of whistleblower, worked on the Sapin 2 law and who fights against financial crime of all kinds< em>. 
« Tax evasion is widening our deficit. With these sums, we could repay the State debt, finance schools, hospitals…I hate inequalities. » On June 7, he will be knighted in the National Order of Merit by Éric Bocquet, PC senator from the North.

(1) The bank UBS was convicted on appeal for illegal bank canvassing and aggravated laundering of tax fraud totaling 1.8 billion euros. She appealed to the Court of Cassation. In its judgment of November 15, the Court of Cassation confirmed the guilt of UBS, but referred the question of the amount of penalties and interest to the Court of Appeal.

Dirty money and laundering: current situation

Students of the Master 2 Business Law at the University of Nîmes are organizing this Friday, March 22, a conference entitled Dirty money and money laundering: state of play. This conference is under the scientific direction of lawyer Sylvie Josserand, lecturer at the University of Nîmes. The meeting is set at the University of Nîmes, 5 rue du Docteur Georges-Salan, in the amphitheater. The conference is open to the public. It will open this Friday, from 9:30 a.m., with Nicolas Forissier who was an internal auditor at UBS (read above). Stéphane Piallat, head of the central racing and games service at the national direction of the Judicial Police, should then intervene, then Me Mehdi-Emmanuel Jouini, specialized in money laundering and terrorist financing, Jérôme Lasserre-Capdeville, Pierre-Emmanuel Thomann, geopolitologist, Arnaud Montebourg, former minister, Jean-Christophe Cabotte, deputy director of the anti-money laundering and terrorist financing department at the ACPR, Mes Xavier Renaut and Sarah Saïd Ibrahim, Arthur Charpentier, teacher in Quebec (on artificial intelligence and the fight against money laundering).

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