Oscar Pistorius will be released from prison: the former South African Paralympic champion was imprisoned for 11 years for the murder of his partner

Oscar Pistorius will be released from prison: the former South African Paralympic champion was imprisoned for 11 years for the murder of his partner

Oscar Pistorius sera libéré, vendredi 5 janvier. POOL EPA – KIM LUDBROOK/POOL

He will be on parole from Friday January 5, leaving prison almost eleven years after the murder of his partner Reeva Steenkamp.

Former South African Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorius, on parole from Friday, will be released from prison almost eleven years after the murder of his partner Reeva Steenkamp with a ban on his life. express in the media, the prison administration confirmed on Wednesday. "Just like other people on parole, Pistorius is not allowed to give interviews to the media," the administration stressed in a statement.

"The fact that Pistorius is known to the general public does not make him different from other prisoners and does not justify special treatment". Oscar Pistorius, 37, was granted early release at the end of November. South African justice provides that a convict can benefit from parole once half of his sentence has expired.

There will be no image of its output

The former athlete is due to be released from a prison on the outskirts of the capital Pretoria on Friday. Neither the time nor the logistical details were revealed by the authorities, for “security” reasons. No opportunity will be given to journalists present in front of the prison "to take photos or images of Pistorius", warned the prison administration.

The six-time Paralympic champion amputee of both legs, who became a sporting legend at the 2012 Olympic Games in London by aligning himself with the able-bodied in the 400 meters, was convicted during his trial in appeal in 2017 to 13 years and five months of imprisonment.

The affair had fascinated the planet

On the night of February 13 to 14, 2013, he killed model Reeva Steenkamp, ​​29, by shooting four times through a door of her ultra-secure house in Pretoria. 'Blade Runner', as he is nicknamed in reference to his carbon prostheses, has always claimed to have believed in the presence of an intruder. The affair has fascinated the planet.

At the announcement of his early release, the victim's mother, June Steenkamp, ​​said she still did not believe "Oscar's version" and said she was convinced that the latter "has not rehabilitated" in prison. As part of his placement on parole until the end of his sentence in 2029, Oscar Pistorius must notably undergo therapy on anger management and violence against women.

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