Oudéa-Castéra affair: the publication of a report on the Stanislas high school plunges the establishment into turmoil

Oudéa-Castéra affair: the publication of a report on the Stanislas high school plunges the establishment into turmoil

L'établissement Stanislas se retrouve dans la tourmente. Google street view – Capture d'écran

Un rapport de l’administration visant le lycée Stanislas, publié par le site d'information Médiapart, reveals homophobic or anti-abortion speeches made by several of its speakers within the establishment.

We will have had a calmer experience when taking office in a ministry. For several days, the Minister of Education, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, has been at the heart of a media storm. The latter has in fact created controversy through her statements on unreplaced hours in public education which, according to her, motivated her decision to place her children in a private establishment, middle school. Stanislas high school, in the 6th arrondissement of Paris.

And now, it is the establishment in question which finds itself in turmoil. Indeed, a report revealed by the investigative media Mediapart  plunges Stanislas into the controversy. Initially, an investigation by Mediapart in the summer of 2022 revealed that within of the establishment, speeches that flirted with legality, notably on abortion or homosexuality, were made.

This investigation by the information site then led to the triggering of an administrative investigation with the drafting of a report. And Médiapart has just revealed its damning content this Tuesday, January 16.

Homophobic and anti-abortion speeches, compulsory catechesis…

In it, we confirm in particular that numerous homophobic and anti-abortion speeches are made within the establishment: "Abortion always means voluntarily killing an innocent human person ." or again "Sodomy brings AIDS, homosexuality is a sin, an illness which comes from the fact that mom cheated on dad" we could thus hear within the walls of Stanislas. The speaker who made these homophobic remarks also reportedly declared that “the rapist had to be forgiven and that it was difficult.” In total, 106 people were interviewed in the report.

In this Catholic establishment, catechesis (teaching the Catholic religion) would be compulsory for one hour per week at each level. It is within this teaching that serious abuses would take place. Another obligation within Stanislas: a time of confession, in the chapel of the establishment.

Even more troubling, this report has been on the desk of the Ministry of National Education since August 1, 2023. But for the moment, neither Prime Minister Gabriel Attal ( Minister of Education at the time), nor his successor Amélie Oudéa-Castéra made any mention of it.

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