Released from his contract in Qatar, Andy Delort has found a base but will not be able to commit to France

Released from his contract in Qatar, Andy Delort has found a base but will not be able to commit to France

Andy Delort a trouvé un nouveau point chute après son départ du Qatar. EPA – SEBASTIEN NOGIER

The striker who terminated his contract with the Umm Salal club this week has found a new base. But he will not be able to play for this club this season, nor any other in France.

Former MHSC striker Andy Delort has been released by his club Umm Salal, just six months after his arrival in Qatar. But the native of Sète has already found a new base. Indeed, the AC Ajaccio club, where he played among the youth and then with the pros between 2010 and 2013  announced that the Algerian international had expressed the wish to train with the Ligue 2 group. A request accepted by the Corsican club.

"After the end of his adventure in the Umm Salal club (Qatar), our former striker decided to return to the imperial city, a city where he has his ties. Andy Delort expressed the wish to train within our group, under the orders of an Ajaccian staff whom he knows well having already played with Olivier Pantaloni, Thierry Debes, JB Pierazzi and even Johan Cavalli", writes the ACA on his website.

Impossible to sign in France

On the other hand, there is no question for Andy Delort of playing in the red and white tunic this season. Indeed, the regulations of the Professional Football League (LFP) are very clear regarding transfers, including for free players. "In order to preserve the integrity sports competitions, no new player, whatever their status, can be registered beyond the closure of the complementary registration period for players subsequently licensed to the club, with the exception of medical jokers. ;quot;, indicates article 213 of the LFP statutes. 

The only possible exception concerns medical jokers. "A Ligue 1 or Ligue 2 club may, at any time, recruit a player in the following cases: death of a player under contract, serious injury to the goalkeeper or his replacement (in this case, the club can only recruit a new goalkeeper), serious injury to a player under contract, during a selection for the French team, if this injury results in the player being incapacitated for a period greater than or equal to three months."

Once again this cannot concern the former pailladin since only players with a license in France can be recruited as medical jokers.

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