Researchers from Montpellier University Hospital come to meet the general public to combat stereotypes

Researchers from Montpellier University Hospital come to meet the general public to combat stereotypes

L’équipe de recherche en hématologie clinique et dermatologie. Midi Libre – Fiona Slous

Pour démystifier la recherche clinique, le CHU de Montpellier organise "les rendez-vous" avec des professionnels de santé. Les stands accueillent le grand public ces mardi 21 et mercredi 22 mai, de 8 h à 14 h, devant les sites du Centre hospitalier universitaire.

On the lawn of Saint-Éloi, Sonia Soltani, project manager in cardiology clinical research, is participating this Tuesday, May 21 in the "Research Meeting" organized for two days by the University Hospital. The goal: "Breaking the wall that separates research from the general public". A Continuation of Research Trial, placed on the stand, invites the public to discover medical terminology. "This game helps to remove preconceptions", explains Sonia Soltani. These meetings also make it possible to highlight the existence of clinical trials in hospital centers. "The public imagines large, all-white laboratories".

Recruit volunteers

Clinical trials suffer from a lack of patients. "No one wants to become a guinea pig. I want to reassure them and remove this vision. Healthy volunteers can also apply with one click on the CHU website. The researchers ensure their eligibility and consent before the start of the study. Then, they benefit from medical support throughout the trial.

Optimize care

"Research is not just about drugs", says Sonia Soltani. The research meetings exhibit a global vision of scientific advances – medical processes, discovery of new molecules. Since January 2024, the Montpellier University Hospital has carried out two artificial heart transplants, in patients suffering from heart failure. This operation is "a feat that could never have seen the light of day without research in cardiology".

The “Research Meeting” program

Wednesday May 22 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

On the Lapeyronie sites (infection, inflammation, endoctrino, diabetes, bones, joints and nutrition) and Arnaud-de-Villeneuve (pediatrics, pulmonology, cardiology and paramedical research).

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