She eats a mislabeled cookie and dies: the tragic story of a 25-year-old woman

She eats a mislabeled cookie and dies: the tragic story of a 25-year-old woman

Au cours d'une soirée entre amies, une jeune femme mange un gâteau qui contient des cacahuètes (photo d'illustration). Habib Dadkhah – Unsplash

A 25-year-old British woman died on January 11, 2024 after eating a biscuit. The packaging did not indicate the presence of peanuts.

Allergies can be fatal. This is recalled in the sad story of a 25-year-old British dancer, Orla Baxendale, told by The Huffington Post.

During an evening with friends in Connecticut, the young woman eats a Stew Leonard's brand cake. This cookie contained peanuts, a food that Orla Baxendale is allergic to. The packaging did not indicate the presence of these peanuts, according to several British and American media including SkyNews.

Brand and manufacturer pass the buck

"It is incomprehensible that allergies could still kill in 2024", said the family of' Orla Baxendale in a press release cited by the Huffington Post.

In this same press release, the family recommended to "everyone" to s&#39 inform and educate those around you about anaphylaxis (the most severe manifestation of allergy, which can be fatal, Editor's note) and the use of EpiPens (treatment emergency for severe allergic reactions, Editor's note).

Recalled cake packages

The Stew Leonard's brand and the manufacturer, the American company Cookies United, are passing the buck as to responsibility for the death of the young dancer born in Manchester.

Approximately 500 packages of cakes sold between November 6 and December 31, 2023 were recalled by the company in collaboration with the American Food and Drug Safety Agency, our sources said. colleagues from Huffington Post.

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