She is retired due to “permanent incapacity”: struck off due to disability, a nursing assistant claims nearly half a million euros

She is retired due to "permanent incapacity": struck off due to disability, a nursing assistant claims nearly half a million euros

À force de porter des charges lourdes, une aide-soignante a contracté une pathologie du rachis lombaire (photo d'illustration). davidpereiras – ENVATO ELEMENTS

Une ancienne aide-soignante à la retraite pour "incapacité permanente" liée à son travail réclame plus de 400 000 euros au CHU de Nantes.

By dint of carrying heavy loads, of "playing the stretcher-bearer" according to her statements, taken up by Ouest-France, she contracted a lumbar spine pathology.

Working at the Nantes University Hospital, this nursing assistant in the gynecology department became a permanent staff member at the establishment in 2004.

The illness of this woman, now aged 51, has since been recognised as"attributable to service”. The expert assessment set her disability rate at 30%. The person concerned claimed her retirement rights and left several years before the minimum legal age required, resumes Capital.

She is claiming €421,275

Her file was in the hands of the Nantes administrative court at the end of September 2024. The plaintiff is now claiming more than €400,000. Before taking the case to court, she had asked the CHU for additional compensation for her loss resulting from her illness in the amount of €350,000.

Faced with the rejection of her claim, the former employee is now claiming precisely €421,275, specifies Ouest-France.

Quelle responsibility ?

"This is a nursing assistant who was given stretcher-bearer duties, which remains incomprehensible and does not correspond at all to her job description", argued her lawyer, who pointed out, in her eyes, the CHU's liability for negligence, quotes Ouest-France.

Just before, the rapporteur had not recognized "the liability for negligence of the CHU" while proposing total compensation of 63,000 euros for damages related in particular to physical suffering. The judgment has been reserved.

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