Sophie Pellegrin-Ponsole (Horizons): “Macron is not my political family”

Sophie Pellegrin-Ponsole (Horizons): “Macron is not my political family”

Sophie Pellegrin-Ponsole (Horizons): “Macron is not my political family”

Sophie Pellegrin-Ponsole. DR – DR

Candidate Horizons sur la 2e circonscription du Gard, Sophie Pellgrin-Ponsole ne veut pas être comptable du bilan du gouvernement sortant.

Did you expect to be a candidate for the legislative elections ?

No, of course. I was contacted the day after the dissolution announcement by Yvan Lachaud (former candidate and Horizons referent for Gard). I was leaving for work. He gave me half a day to respond. I didn't delay. 

Won't it be difficult to make the voice of the presidential majority heard in a constituency where there is a lot of extreme voting? -right ?

I do not make the voice of the presidential majority heard. I single out President Macron’s Horizons candidacy. I am not here to defend the majority. It was not Edouard Philippe who dissolved the national assembly! We must participate in a parliamentary majority, but that has little to do with what we have seen. 

So you don't feel accountable for Macron's balance sheet…

No, definitely not! I have been a right-winger since I was 17. I worked with Jacques Blanc (former deputy for Lozère and regional president). I have had nothing to do since Macron came to power. This is not my political family.

However, there is no Macronist candidate against you…

It’s lucky! But I represent the moderate right. I want to block the extreme left and the extreme right.

What themes will you highlight ? 

Purchasing power, taxation, insecurity… I also want to take advantage of my candidacy to talk about the threatened traditions around bulls, the sea… These traditions are the foundation of our territories. 

What do you think of Nicolas Meizonnet, the outgoing MP ?

Not much. He is surfing a navy blue wave. But concretely, I don't know what he does. I don't make politics my job.  As deputy director of communications at Sud de France Développement, I travel through the 13 departments of Occitanie throughout the year. I see what the tourist economy brings. I am in contact with the field and reality. I am consistent and determined and have never deviated.

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