Synagogue of La Grande-Motte attacked: anger and weariness the day after the arrest of the suspect in the Pissevin district of Nîmes

Synagogue of La Grande-Motte attacked: anger and weariness the day after the arrest of the suspect in the Pissevin district of Nîmes

L’homme a été interpellé à la 64 galerie Richard-Wagner, dans la tour Garrigado. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

On this Sunday, August 25, the morning of the arrest of the man suspected of having wanted to perpetrate an attack in front of the synagogue of La Grande-Motte, in Hérault, the awakening is difficult for residents whose week has already been marked by the fire of their new police station.

In the Pissevin district, on this Sunday morning, August 25, the ambient calm gives no hint of the events of the night. In the streets, there are few passers-by. A few hours earlier, however, the police had arrived en masse at the foot of the Garrigado tower to arrest the individual suspected of being involved in the attack on the synagogue in La Grande-Motte. “We heard noise, we saw the police”, confirms this man, who will not say more. A fact that is unfortunately nothing exceptional in this area where nearly 16,000 people live and where drug trafficking has ravaged the life of a once peaceful neighborhood.

"All in all, we are used to it, we continue to live. Even if people are now afraid to go out at night"

Midweek, a few meters from the towers of the Wagner gallery, the police station that had opened its doors on Tuesday, August 20, had to be closed the next day: the abandoned shop next to it went up in smoke. The criminal origin of the act leaving little doubt in the eyes of those who live here. “That's a lot in one week, that's clear, sighs Alain Lorgeas, president of the Pissevin neighborhood committee. We, the associations, try to do everything to make this neighborhood live and, in no time, all the work of the volunteers, all these efforts are destroyed…"

Synagogue of La Grande-Motte attacked: anger and weariness the day after the arrest of the suspect in the Pissevin district of Nîmes

Alain Lorgeas, president of the Pissevin neighborhood committee, between weariness and the desire for a return to calm. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

A sadness, almost a weariness even for the man who arrived in Pissevin in 1961 and who saw the slow deterioration of his place of life. “Since Sarkozy removed the community police, it's been a disaster. He said that the police aren't paid to play football with the kids. But that's what's needed! Police officers on the ground, who keep in touch with the young people, who talk to them, who discuss with the caretakers, the gardeners, to find out what's going on.”

But this series of sordid events in Pissevin does not surprise Alain Lorgeas. “All in all, we are used to it, we continue to live. Even if people are now afraid to go out at night and watch their children even when they go to get bread.” The man, born in Algeria, has a very firm stance against those who act in this way: “I have an oriental way of thinking, I know that what these people do here, they would not do in the Maghreb countries. There, the fear of the police is real. Here, they defy it. The Republic must be given strength again."

"We have no right to come and attack a place of worship!"

Parking his car in front of the Trait d'Union shopping centre, where barrier tape prevents anyone from approaching the scars of the fire in the shop next to the police station, Abdallah Zekri walks with a determined step: “I'm going to investigate, I want to know who this man is, what links he has with the neighbourhood!” The rector of the Peace Mosque, which welcomes between 1,200 and 1,300 worshippers in Pissevin on Fridays, “strongly and determinedly condemns” the act committed against the synagogue in Hérault: “Of course, between Muslims, we talk about Palestine (the 33-year-old Algerian allegedly committed his attack in connection with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, editor's note), acknowledges the man who is also president of the Observatory for the Fight against Islamophobia and vice-president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith. But we do not have the right, in the name of a religion or anything, to come and attack a synagogue or any place of worship! I give my full support to the Jewish community."

Synagogue of La Grande-Motte attacked: anger and weariness the day after the arrest of the suspect in the Pissevin district of Nîmes

Abdallah Zekri, rector of the neighborhood mosque and vice-president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

In the afternoon, this Sunday, a prayer was planned at the mosque. Obviously, the events of the night were mentioned. “We want to know why this man went to attack the synagogue of La Grande-Motte. And especially if he acted alone or if we should fear ramifications…", confides Abdallah Zekri.

A hundred S files listed in the Pissevin sector

While Nîmes celebrated, on this August 25, the 80th anniversary of the Liberation, for the deputy mayor delegated to Security, Richard Schieven, it was not a time for celebration:“I cannot say whether this is an isolated act or whether it is, on the contrary, an attack organised by a network. What is certain is that in the surrounding area, we know more than a hundred people on the S File who cannot stand being reminded of the rules of the Republic."

Synagogue of La Grande-Motte attacked: anger and weariness the day after the arrest of the suspect in the Pissevin district of Nîmes

The police station had to be closed as soon as it opened: the shop next door was set on fire. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

The elected official does not hide his trembling for the Vendanges feria (which is to be held from September 13 to 15): “We are investing colossal sums to guarantee the safety of the people of Nîmes and tourists, but I must recognize that the context is particularly particular… Moreover, during the week, the prefect of Gard asked us to organize a meeting to discuss the feria, then another at the end of the week to organize ourselves for the return to school, in Pissevin in particular."

Richard Schieven confirms that the police station will not reopen "for several months, at least three. I have the impression that this has been happening every year since 2023. We are trying to meet the expectations of our fellow citizens and it is going up in smoke. Since I was elected in 2020, I have been very worried about the evolution of the situation in the neighborhoods."

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