The Agglo de Lunel and the Pays de l’Or connected by the greenway in the commune of Valergues

The Agglo de Lunel and the Pays de l’Or connected by the greenway in the commune of Valergues

Le président du Pays de l’Or a coupé le ruban inaugural aux côtés des élus du territoire et du Département.

Ce trait d’union a été inauguré et mis en selle par les élus des deux territoires, ce mardi 13 février, au niveau de la commune de Valergues.

Just a little over a short kilometer was enough to connect two large territories. This Tuesday, February 13, by inaugurating, at 11 a.m., the connection of its greenway at the Chemin Bas de Valergues, a few meters from the Bas-Rhône Languedoc Canal (BRL), the Pays de l’Or has sealed its junction with its neighbor the Agglo de Lunel.

A “bridge” between two intermunicipalities

Or when the coastline meets the land in the name of eco-mobility with, in sight, respect for the environment through the development of gentle travel alternatives to the individual car.

Strong and fundamental axes that the president of the Pays de l’Or, Stéphan Rossignol, did not fail to emphasize in his speech delivered alongside numerous elected officials, including the vice-president of Lunel Agglo in charge mobility Loïc Fataccioli and his alter ego from the Pays de l’Or Jean-Louis Gomez, the departmental councilor Patricia Moulin-Traffort and the mayors of Lunel-Viel, Fabrice Fenoy, and of Valergues, Gérard Ligora, whose municipalities are directly affected by this “bridge” between the two intermunicipalities.

Traffic cut off in part

The connection of the Pays de l’Or to the Agglomeration of Lunel, inaugurated this Tuesday, February 13 in Valergues at the Bas-Rhône Languedoc (BRL) canal bridge and the parking lot of the greenway, corresponds to 1,200 linear m.

Of this distance, 850 m are shared lanes and 350 m are green lanes. From now on, gabions (large mesh cages often filled with large stones) have been installed on the low Valergues path, which also connects Lunel-Viel, at the level of the Courrens stream.

"This makes road traffic outside the local area impossible on this axis, making it possible to protect this development for soft, safe transport", will welcome Stéphan Rossignol, president of the Pays de l’Or.

A global and joint approach

"The purpose of the greenway, considered the backbone of the Pays de l’Or cycling network, is to irrigate the municipalities of our territory but also to connect the neighboring territories,” noted Stéphan Rossignol, also mayor of La Grande-Motte.

1.2 km, therefore, so that these two territorial sisters with their own identities can share this mobility policy. But also « their rich cultural and natural heritage and their traditions, noted, during his intervention, Loïc Fataccioli, satisfied with the outcome of this global and joint approach, led and ensured by the Country of ;rsquo;However, particularly with regard to project management.

"An internal connection to the community territory"

Co-financed with the help of the Department, the agglomeration community of Lunel and the commune of Lunel-Viel, this link which connects the two intercommunalities is, more than a symbol and "beyond the internal connection to the community territory, a bridge thrown between our two intermunicipalities which reflects the desire to work together which is accompanied by other actions carried out collectively", concluded the president of the Pays de l’Or to the elected officials of Lunel Agglo. A real network of cycle paths to connect the municipalities and the strategic axes of the territory has been in the saddle for years. Its future, like this connection, is certain.

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