The Aveyron extreme right does not know where to stand in the third constituency

The Aveyron extreme right does not know where to stand in the third constituency

Lysiane Tendil pourrait repartir en campagne pour l’extrême droite. Midi libre – Maxime Cohen

Although certain at the beginning of the week on the candidacy of Didier Saquet in the third constituency of Aveyron, the National Rally is considering a new candidacy.

The truth of one day is not necessarily that of the next day. It even varies from one hour to the next in these times of active negotiations to present candidates during these early legislative elections. Bolstered by the "Matignon plan", the extreme right, in the lead this Sunday during the European elections, was already ready to announce names on Monday. But this plan was somewhat thwarted by the game of alliances and in particular the one made this Tuesday, May 11 with the Republicans, not necessarily accepted by all the members of the Gaullist party.

The candidacy of Didier Saquet called into question

For South Aveyron, the candidacy of Didier Saquet, resident of Fondamente, was a natural choice for the National Rally. "He made a enormous work on the constituency", recognizes the departmental head of the RN, Jean-Philippe Chartier. It was less obvious this Wednesday. "We have the problem of parity and we needed a woman for the third constituency", he admits. It was therefore the phone of Lysiane Tendil, former mayor of Saint-Jean-du-Bruel and Reconquest candidate during the last legislative elections, which rang. "She has given her agreement, she has joined the National Rally since October 4, 2023, explains Jean-Philippe Chartier.

Here again, the violins have difficulty tuning. "I never joined the National Rally&quot ;, answers the interested party. "Today, nothing is done, she tempered this Wednesday. I am for a union of the rights and what is being done with the Republicans is already good. My candidacy depends on the agreements and decisions that will be taken with Les Républicains. For the moment, he [Jean-Philippe Chartier] is getting too far ahead of my candidacy."

Nothing has been done yet when Jean-Philippe Chartier seemed to be almost sure, Monday. "Even my application was not accepted. is not safe in the first constituency. If an LR candidate parachuted in front of me, I would have to step aside, I am someone who obeys, notes the extreme representative RIGHT. At present, only Jean-François Rousset, outgoing deputy of the presidential majority, is guaranteed to return to the campaign in South Aveyron.

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