The mayor of Baillargues exempted from punishment for breaking down the barrier of a Traveler reception area

The mayor of Baillargues exempted from punishment for breaking down the barrier of a Traveler reception area

Jean-Luc Meissonnier alongside his lawyer Jean-Marc Maillot. Midi Libre – JEAN-MICHEL MART

Jean-Luc Meissonnier was on trial this Wednesday, May 22 for acts committed last November: he had broken down the barrier of a reception area for Travelers exasperated by the ballet of caravans in front of local shops. his commune of Baillargues.

Jean-Luc Meissonnier appeared this Wednesday, May 22 before the Montpellier judicial court to answer for the destruction of the barrier of the Travelers reception area, on the 30 last November, in Castries. Exasperated by the repeated presence of a group of caravans in front of businesses in his town, the mayor of Baillargues used his backhoe loader to enter the area despite its closure. A spectacular action which caused a stir. The Métropole de Montpellier had filed a complaint for "destruction of property".

The Baillarguois elected official, who faced five years of imprisonment, 75,000 € fine and a sentence of ineligibility, was finally exempted from sentence.  

Jean-Luc Meissonnier had already reimbursed the costs incurred from his own funds for an amount of 17,121 € and presented his apologies publicly at a meeting of the Metropolis council. Through the voice of its lawyer Iris Christol, the community is playing the appeasement card. The lawyer for the mayor of Baillargues had for his part requested an exemption from sentence. 

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