The new Popular Front is betting big on a very expensive program estimated at “287 billion euros”, according to Renaissance

The new Popular Front is betting big on a very expensive program estimated at “287 billion euros”, according to Renaissance

Les chefs des partis du nouveau Front populaire ont présenté les grandes lignes de leur programme commun. MAXPPP – Julien Mattia/Le Pictorium

Les chefs de partis de gauche de La France insoumise, du Parti socialiste, des écologistes et des communistes ont présenté leur programme commun de 150 mesures.

A beautiful family photo. With smiling people. Even for the most skeptical, Raphaël Glucksmann, Anne Hidalgo, Carole Delga… who remotely approved the birth of the new Popular Front. This union of the left sealed by the four main left-wing formations: La France insoumise, the Socialist Party, the French Communist Party and the ecologists.

Who to debate with Bardella and Attal ?

A coalition "for history" hammered the communist Fabien Roussel. Who solemnly took "the oath to remain united for greater justice and human fraternity". Obviously very moved by these four days and four nights of intense negotiations. Which often almost collapsed but which resulted in a political event rarely achieved in such a short time.

A coalition presented at the Maison de la Chimie yesterday in Paris. The leaders of the four parties arrived tense but smiling when explaining the first outlines of the program. It was the rebellious Manuel Bompard who opened the ball to explain the reason for this agreement in the face of "the threat of the coming to power of the’ rsquo;racist and antisocial extreme right". The tone was set. He explained how he was going to quickly present the 150 measures of the common program, and mentioned the 100 days of the future government if the ballot boxes give a majority on July 7 to the Popular Front. Without ever saying who will be the leader. Who to debate against Jordan Bardella or Gabriel Attal ?

The financing of the project in question

All the effort was put into the common program. "As soon as we come to power we will freeze prices on food and energy to restore purchasing power"< /em>, insists Manuel Bompard. Internationally he made honorable amends "to establish a path to peace in Ukraine against the Russian invader". And promises to continue the delivery of weapons and demands "an immediate ceasefire in Gaza against the massacres being perpetrated there".

The ecologist Marine Tondelier was responsible for evoking"the rapid repeal, as soon as we arrive, of the unjust pension reform. We promised you, we will do it. The socialist Olivier Faure took it upon himself to explain where he would get the money in a tax reform which arouses quite a few comments: "We Let's finance our project by taking it from the pockets of those who can contribute and who have always benefited from all crises. Those who can come to the aid of the ecological transition".

In detail: taxation of superprofits, reestablishment of the ISF and the Exit Tax (which makes it possible to tax taxpayers transferring their tax residence abroad in order to fight against ;tax evasion); and the reestablishment of the Flat tax, or PFI for single flat-rate levy (PFU), which is a regime for taxing financial income. The proposals are going well, all in the direction of social justice: increase of 10% of civil servants, repeal of the law on unemployment insurance " which will throw thousands of young and old people into the streets" ; also repeal of the immigration law. Moratorium on major highway projects and mega-basins; the guarantee of a minimum and remunerative price for farmers by taxing "the superprofits of agro-industrialists and mass distribution". We can also cite the cessation of the Universal National Service (SNU), the establishment of proportional representation in elections or the repeal of 49.3… 

The Quatennens case

"Expect the worst… The return of mass unemployment. To a massive increase in taxes. It's total madness", sneers at X, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire. The Renaissance campaign team estimated this program at 287 billion euros! "The equivalent of a GDP of a country like Portugal", assure the experts of the presidential party.

Opponents who also emphasize important differences which are still not resolved in the thick NFP program, in particular on nuclear power:"It’is a debate which will take place in the National Assembly, everyone will defend their positions", Manuel Bompard kicked in.

Equipped with a program, the Popular Front will be able to invest its unique candidacies with 229 constituencies for La France insoumise, 175 for the Socialist Party and Place publique, 92 for the Ecologists and 50 for the Party French communist. It is up to each party to invest whoever they wish. With the notable exception of Adrien Quatennens, the LFI deputy convicted of domestic violence who will be a candidate for his succession in the 1st constituency of the North, without the investiture of the new Popular Front. And with a feminist candidacy, that of the lawyer Amy Bah, representative of the collective “All of Us” in Lille. "A detail with regard to the issue", estimates an elected official from LFI. But the devil is always in the details…

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