They could save you from many inconveniences: five actions to adopt to protect yourself from pollen allergies

They could save you from many inconveniences: five actions to adopt to protect yourself from pollen allergies

L'allergie au pollen peut provoquer des éternuements, mais aussi des irritations. ProfessionalStudioImages/Getty Images

Avec le printemps qui pointe le bout de son nez, les allergies au pollen refont surface.

For allergy sufferers, hay fever can quickly ruin the season, causing headaches and sneezing. Here are five things you can do to protect yourself from pollen allergies.

The arrival of spring – expected on March 20 – also means pollen, one of the main allergy triggers. Also known as seasonal rhinitis, pollen allergy can quickly ruin the season for some. Among the most feared pollens, we find that of birches or grasses, causing sneezing, stuffy noses and tingling throats in its wake. To counter these spring ills, a few simple actions can make the difference. Here are five practical tips to implement on a daily basis:

Ventilate intelligently

Even in peak pollen season, ventilating your interior remains essential to renew the ambient air. Choose the right times, before 9 a.m. or after 8 p.m., when the concentration of pollen in the air is lower. During peaks of the spread, it is also advisable to avoid any exposure to tobacco smoke. In fact, it can cause irritation and worsen allergy symptoms.

Protect your eyes

Sunglasses are not only a fashion accessory, but also an effective barrier against pollen. They prevent these irritating particles from lodging on the conjunctiva of the eye, thus avoiding redness and stinging. Also remember to clean them regularly to remove any pollen residue.

Tracking pollen on clothes

Pollen gets everywhere, including the fibers of your clothes. To limit this inconvenience, brush your jackets and pants when you get home, leave your shoes at the entrance and take a shower to remove any pollen clinging to your skin. Also avoid keeping clothes worn outside in your room.

Cover sensitive areas outdoors

When going out, remember to protect your face with sunglasses or a mask to limit any direct contact with pollen. In the car, drive with the windows closed, especially if you are driving in the countryside or in the forest. You can also get a pollen filter, which you can attach to your car's ventilation system.

Avoid allergy peaks

To enjoy the sunny days without being attacked by pollen, avoid intense outdoor activities during pollen peaks. Dedicated applications provide forecast bulletins and personalized recommendations to plan your outings based on your allergies. Finally, last tip: prefer to dry your laundry indoors rather than outdoors to prevent pollen from clinging to textiles.

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