Totally drunk and unable to drive, he gives the wheel to his 6-year-old daughter who ends up in the background

Totally drunk and unable to drive, he gives the wheel to his 6-year-old daughter who ends up in the background

Une voiture sort de la route avec au volant une fillette de 6 ans. (illustration) MAXPPP – Johan BEN AZZOUZ

On January 12, 2024, a vehicle left the road in Nègrepelisse in Tarn-et-Garonne. At the wheel, a 6-year-old girl with her drunk father at her side.

A surprising scene. If a vehicle leaving the road may seem trivial to some, it is the discovery made by a witness that is enough to cause astonishment. Last Friday, a Renault Kangoo ended its journey in the scene. At the wheel of the car, a 6-year-old girl, not restrained, with her father at her side, totally drunk, reports Le Parisien.

Not a first

The accident took place in Nègrepelisse in Tarn-et-Garonne in Occitanie. When the witness realized the improbable situation, he decided to notify the emergency services as well as the authorities.

After their intervention, the drunken father and his daughter are transferred to the Montauban hospital, so that the man aged around forty years passes blood alcohol tests but also narcotics tests, indicates La Dépêche du Midi.

But it's the little girl's testimony that is even more alarming. While the latter was questioned to establish the first findings, she would have spontaneously indicated that it was not the first time that she had taken the wheel alongside her father, who was unable to drive.

If for the time being, the father of the family has been able to return to his home without having been placed in rank at view, the results of its toxicological analyzes should come out soon. Although he was not behind the wheel, the latter risks a withdrawal of 6 points, a fine of 1,500 euros but also an immediate withdrawal of his driving license for a period ranging from 6 to 9 months , details the local daily newspaper.

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