Waly Diouf – Formose Mendy, central hinge of Nîmes Olympique: “This communion, who would have believed it ?”

Waly Diouf - Formose Mendy, central hinge of Nîmes Olympique: “This communion, who would have believed it ?”

Formose Mendy, known as “Fofo”, 30 years old, 1.85 m, 79 kg, 2620 minutes of play in the National this season, 1 goal, 2 assists, 6 yellow cards and 1 red. Midi Free – ALEXIS BETHUNE

Waly Diouf - Formose Mendy, central hinge of Nîmes Olympique: “This communion, who would have believed it ?”

Waly Diouf, dit “Le roc”, 27 ans, 1,92 m, 90 kg, 2518 minutes de jeu en National cette saison, 1 but, 1 passe décisive, 7 cartons jaunes. Midi Libre – ALEXIS BETHUNE

Captain Formose Mendy and vice-captain Waly Diouf: the central croco hinge spoke to Midi Libre before the 34th and final day of National, Saturday May 18 in Martigues (18 May). hours).

Over the last ten years, there has been the Poulain-Boche pair, who distinguished themselves in L2. The Harek-Briançon duo symbolized the transition to L1. And if the Mendy-Diouf pair marked the Nîmes defensive revival in National ? The two recruits, designated captain and vice-captain, very quickly became pillars of the reconstruction. So, we wanted to bring together Formose Mendy, says “Fofo” (30 years old, from the Paris region, 77 ; 1.85 m, 79 kg) and Waly Diouf, known as “Le roc” (27 years old, 9-2; 1.92m, 90kg) for an interview…hellip; hinge.

"A club that exudes something"

How are the young dads, and how are they feeling in Nîmes ? "We are fine, replies Mendy. It’s especially mothers who should be asked the question (laughs). I have three children, including a Croco, Loé, who was born in Carémeau, where the team is at the top! We adapted well, even if the sea was very close in Normandy (he played in Avranches)we miss. The club gave me responsibilities, and I am happy to have been able to avoid the descent, which would have been a disaster for Nîmes. We managed to stop the bleeding from the club and achieve the objective. Even if I had other ambitions…"

At his friend Diouf, "it’it’was a little more of a tidal wave at the start because’Issa is our first child, we does not have the experience of Formosa (also laughs). He's 5 months old, he's growing well, we've got our bearings. Here, we feel good, and that's important because if we go home and our wife and our children are not happy, it's hard to flourish on the ground. The season was difficult, but I tried to stay the course, having the confidence of both coaches. I discovered a separate club, which has something going on. Nîmes Olympique leaves no one indifferent".

"We were half a train late"

Relegated at the end of the first leg, leaders of the return leg, did the Crocodiles initially underperform ? & quot;We arrived, no one knew each other, the staff had been refurbished. We were half a train late compared to others. We felt, when we played certain teams, that they were well-established…hellip; and we are breaking in. Now we have certainties and a basis on which to rely. We also learned from our mistakes", answers n°5.

"We came away with a lot of problems at the club, add the n°22, and we end on a good note with this communion between players, supporters and staff. Who would have believed it? We must build on this to prepare for the future of the club. The group had to get to know this very underrated championship, whether from those coming from the floor above or from below. We lacked regularity and high standards. Mentally, we weren't ready to stay at the top of the table."

"We want to hit higher"

The two axials still have one year of contract. They want to stay "if Seb (Larcier, the sports director) wants, as well as the president"< /em>, they smile. Before speaking with one voice: "We are getting ready to speak with the leaders, before the holidays. Maintenance was the minimum. We want to hit higher. We are confident for the future. We've eaten enough shit this season. With what is being created around the club, we cannot do less than this end of the championship. This summer, we won't be starting from scratch. This group has potential, there will be arrivals with added value. And we work in good conditions: we have a nice stadium, good staff, we are paid on time. We have nothing to complain about. All this means that Nîmes cannot last forever in National".

"Of course we would like to continue with Adil"

Here again, the two make a pair when it comes time to talk about the coach: "Of course we would like to continue with Adil, but we know the complexity in relation to the diploma. He immediately knew how to leave his mark on the group. He almost had the role of a big brother. He is young (37 years old), stopped playing football recently, he offers and exudes something fresh. Coach Bompard did a good job too. His goal was to finish first in the return phase, and we're almost there".

Additional numbers

Formose Mendy :"We complement each other quite well. We get to work together. In football, the most difficult thing is to find duos, pairs…hellip; We were quite solid, we have our qualities and our faults. I don’t play next to a crazy person, that’s okay (laughs). I trust him. The important thing is to know that one can count on the other. Waly is a leader of the squad who also allowed me to not have all the responsibilities as captain. I also like to delegate as captain. This is what I love, and this is what we need to do. Behind me, there's Waly, Mathis (Picouleau), Jo (Mexico), Doukansy, even if I'd like him to do a lot more!"

Waly Diouf : "There is also the human aspect, we don’t talk about it enough in football. I'm not saying that you have to have dinner together every night and be best friends, but getting along well outside helps you find your bearings more quickly and better express your potential. Especially in positions where the pairs are important, the central defense, the recovering midfielders, the attacking duo. Sometimes, I knew what Formosa was going to do before even giving him the ball, that he was going to get into the heart of the game, or knock down with his left foot…hellip; I knew who had to cover, to leave crumbs for the attacker…"

Tao Paradowski's bodyguards

Having an 18-19 year old goalie behind you is not common…

Formose Mendy : "Le minot !"

Waly Diouf :"It had never happened to me to have a goalkeeper younger than me behind me… But no one gave him this place, he went to get it on merit. And today, it’s one of the Nîmes of the season, I have to say things as they are! We can always talk about his height, in a position that is standardized at 1.90 m, I find other qualities in him, and I'm not the only one. We owe him a debt of gratitude. He scored some deep balls for us, thanks to his speed, his explosiveness, he reads the game well, he has energy, positivity, freshness. Yes, we had an even more important role with him because he was starting out in a junior championship. We were there to temper his emotions."

Formose Mendy : "At the start of the season, we didn't necessarily know which goalkeeper was going to play. We had a meeting and Tao’s speech had an impact on me. I felt that we could count on him at any given moment, without knowing what was going to happen. We could see his determination, that he was very hungry. Afterwards, we put him in the best conditions. In any case, hats off to him, in a difficult context, for having responded. Hats off to Fabrice (Ondoa), who helped him, the other goalkeepers also gave him advice, Babik (goalkeeper coach) as well. Tao knew how to highlight his qualities. Afterwards, he was still well protected by the two of us (laughs).

When will Lamgahez take their place ?

Waly Diouf : "It's up to him to go get her(smile). This is the advice I could give him as a big brother: it’s up to him to go get things, because we only get what we deserve. Me in football, I was never given anything, everything I had, I had to snatch it away. This is the case for quite a few players, unless your name is Mbappé. It's up to him to push us to be better, because the better he is in training and in matches, the more it will force us to raise the cursor, and the better it will be for the club. I can only encourage him to keep this work mentality. At the beginning, when he arrived at the pros, there was Guessoum, Paviot, Sana (Sy) in the axis, he never weakened by 1%. When he plays a match like the one at Versailles, respect and bravo, for a first, he made everyone agree."

Formose Mendy : "With Zack, Dagui (Paviot), I'm the grandpa. I tell them: make sure that I can fight to last. The more you are going to be on point to make me jump, the more I have to be too, that pushes me to be the most efficient. I like this role of guide. Zack, when he played his first match, I sent him a message the day before: "play like you know how to play, like you showed us in training”. These are players destined to be the future of the club. It's up to them to put pressure on us. Young people are part of the game: one day I took the place of someone older, it’s the cycle of life and football. Let them continue their progress, but they will have to fight to take our place! (laughs)& quot;

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