“We’re not going to die!” : modernization, small trades, decarbonization… what future for the Sète fish market ?

“We’re not going to die!” : modernization, small trades, decarbonization... what future for the Sète fish market ?

“We would like to recover 5 tonnes more per day”. Midi Libre – EVA TISSOT

The director of the fishing port and fish auction of Sète, Kelly Llinarès discusses the economic health of the establishment which belongs to the Region, very impacted by the latest trawler fleet exit plan. Among the 2024 objectives, a 30% increase in fish intake.

"The auction is not going to die even if it goes through a crisis." A few months after the last fleet exit plan which saw the loss of seven trawlers, Kelly Llinarès, the director of the fishing port of Sète provides an overview of the economic health of the fish market which accounts for 70% to 80% of this fishing.
In 2023, the auction house lost 13% of turnover. But in 2024, "in terms of contributions we find a certain stability", notes Kelly Llinarès, thanks in particular to the return of three ships (eleven in total, Editor's note): the Lou Setori which has just been repaired and two new trawls from Marseille, one of which will continue to fish locally but will supply its production to Sète. "It doesn't make up for everything we've lost, but it feels good".

Rely on contributions from other fishing areas

The Sète auction also relies on production from other French fishing areas (Boulogne, Concarneau, Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie). "We are increasing little by little because we see that it works, analyzes the director. It builds customer loyalty and it allows us to diversify by offering other products that buyers need anyway." Example the sardine which is not big enough sufficient in the waters of Sète and therefore less profitable than that fished in seas more favorable to its growth. A new service of packaging purchases in polystyrene boxes to optimize conservation also attracts buyers.

An average price of fish on the rise

To date, the auction operates between 40 to 50,000 € per day of turnover (1700 t for 10 million euros of turnover in 2023), generated by a new situation for local fishing. "There are fewer boats at sea, the resource therefore has more ease in reproducing and the boats make higher scores per day. They also have less competition." On the buyers' side, prices tend to rise (5.84€ on average instead of 4€) but they are contained by the stability of the volumes.

Small trades, "added value for the auction"

Kelly Llinarès director since July 2022,"struggles to find solutions" and above all looks ahead: "The objective is to: is to have a balance. We want more fish intake, between 20 and 30% more per year. We would like to recover 5 tonnes per day. Among the encouraging levers, retail fishing for small businesses. "They are more and more numerous and represent 30% of contributions at auction. This is not to be neglected. This is added value for the auction". With their boats that consume less fuel, small businesses fish less far, but their trips are regular. And the profession continues to attract. On condition of helping fishermen decarbonize the fleet, assures Kelly Llinarès.

Could the Sète auction market eventually merge with its cousins ​​in Occitanie (Port la Nouvelle, Grau d'Agde, le Grau du Roi) and therefore end up disappearing ? Unlikely according to Kelly Llinares. It firstly reminds that the very different legal statuses do not allow it as it stands. "Gateways exist, a customer can already purchase remotely on several auctions at the same time. The auction does not refuse any supply from other Mediterranean ports. On the contrary.  

No merger on the horizon

The future of the auction, submitted to the prefect of Hérault, will perhaps involve legal reforms. In fact, fishermen and those responsible for the auction have been demanding for several months the possibility of being able to stay more hours at sea (beyond the 18 hours maximum for trawls). In order to be able to explore new fishing areas and vary their production. "They could thus land in another port, we would collect other species than what we land today, like Saint Peter. The prefect told us that he was going to think about the question", summarizes Kelly Llinarès. 

The auction, we do everything to maintain it”

"The auction, we do everything to maintain it, indicates Sébastien Denaja, regional elected delegate to Europe. The Region invested 2 M€ in rehabilitation, proof of political commitment. Since the start of Carole Delga's mandate, it’s 40 M€ who were hired for fishing." The socialist regional elected official is campaigning for a review of European fisheries policy "to preserve employment and food sovereignty". As for the merger of the auctions: "The professionals have initiated work to reflect on a rapprochement which does not mean the disappearance of the auctions. They do not work in competition but in complementarity. The Region will support a co-constructed collective movement"

“We’re not going to die!” : modernization, small trades, decarbonization... what future for the Sète fish market ?

The auction has recently been modernized. Midi Libre – EVA TISSOT  

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