'We've never heard him scream like that': little boy loses his finger in a nursery during an evacuation drill

'We've never heard him scream like that': little boy loses his finger in a nursery during an evacuation drill

La crèche dans laquelle le petit garçon a été victime de l'accident Capture d'écran Google Street View

Un garçon de 2 ans a été gravement blessé à la main dans une crèche à Montrouge. Le chariot de jardinage à l’origine de l’accident n’était pas censé être ici.

On December 8, in the afternoon, the parents of a baby received an unusual call from the Hauts-de-Seine nursery where their child has been attending school since 2022. An accident has occurred. nbsp;during a fire evacuation exercise, organized in this crèche of the private group La Maison bleue. On the phone, the director is worried: "The finger is severed, we have never heard him scream like that. The Samu is on the way,” she explains according to Le Parisien.

"I was told that a date was needed for the amputation"

However, the exercise went well in this establishment where four professionals were present to take care of the ten or so children. But everything changes in a few seconds. Standing next to the rolling cart used to evacuate babies, the little boy accidentally slips his left hand into the mechanism. The latter screams, blood spurts. "We can see the tendons", the director tells the parents. The firefighters finally arrived almost an hour later and managed to free the hand.

Taken to the Trousseau hospital in Paris, the little boy will undergo an operation under general anesthesia the same day to try to re-implant his left index finger. He will remain hospitalized for a week. For the moment, it is impossible to know if the child will be able to reuse his finger or if he will permanently lose his phalanx. "One day, I was even told that it was necessary to set a date for the amputation", testifies Lucie, the mother, on the microphone of Parisian. The doctors have finally changed their minds, and hope that the finger can heal.

"Sanctions will be taken"

"We're angry all the time. It’s unbearable. This accident should never have happened in this place, says the mother, who fears that her son will become disabled for life. "Will my little boy be able to do what he wants later ? Should we prepare him ? Talk to him about it ? Wait before talking about it ? ". The couple, also parents of a 4-month-old baby kept in the same nursery, have just filed a complaint against X for involuntary injury by a legal entity.

Lucie and David add that they had complete confidence in the establishment. "The staff is competent. Our son felt good there and made friends there. It’was her little world", continues Lucie. "Sanctions will be taken”, assures a spokesperson for the Maison bleue group. The maternal and child protection services, responsible for checks, went to the site after the accident. "The entire responsibility of the manager la Maison bleue is engaged in the purchase of the trolley", they estimate, still according to Le Parisien.

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