What the uniform will look like at school: outfit, price, quantity of items… what we know about the kit imposed on students

What the uniform will look like at school: outfit, price, quantity of items... what we know about the kit imposed on students

Un uniforme pour effacer les inégalités à l'école. Illustration MAXPPP – Guillaume Bonnefont

Emmanuel Macron announced it: the experimentation of a unique outfit at school will be tested initially. Here is concretely the kit offered at the start of the year to children.

This is an announcement that is causing a lot of talk. The project launched by Emmanuel Macron and Gabriel Attal for a school uniform will be tested in several establishments. Here are the details.

Objective ?

The stated objective is to allow "to erase inequalities" and the uniform must respect "the principles of neutrality and secularism".
The outfit will also be mixed "to avoid any controversy".

When ?

The experiment will start at the start of the school year in September 2024. After two years, if the experiment is a success, this project will be generalized in all French schools.

Who is affected ?

For the moment, the experiment will take place in 59 establishments in volunteer cities. Nursery, primary, middle and high schools. Some 20,000 to 25,000 students are affected.

In Occitanie, the Hérault towns of Béziers, Pérols and La Grande-Motte will test the uniform, like Perpignan in the Pyrénées-Orientales.

Price ?

The price of the keychain that will be provided is 200 euros. But the parents won't pay anything. Half will be financed by the State and the other half by local authorities. The latter will also be able to personalize the uniforms with coats of arms.

And to change it ?

If the child grows too much during the year or if the outfit is damaged, it will be possible to make an exchange but only one during the year.

Basic kit with turnkey outfit

The outfit was chosen to be sober and comfortable in a “sportswear” way, as reported by Le Figaro. The basic kit will contain four polo shirts, white or gray, two navy blue sweaters and two charcoal gray pants. For kindergarten students, it would be a blouse.

A scratch will be affixed to personalize the garment using a badge chosen by the community. The outfit will be made in France and therefore stamped “made in France.”

Sanction ?

In the event of failure to wear the required clothing, sanctions may be applied. Indeed, wearing a uniform will automatically be added to the internal regulations of establishments. And if there is a refusal to wear it, the student will violate the rules.
The sanctions for the time being have not yet been defined.

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