Why fifteen American states came to meet 70 Hérault companies in Montpellier

Why fifteen American states came to meet 70 Hérault companies in Montpellier

L’ambassadrice Denise Campbell Bauer (à g.) et André Deljarry, président de la CCI de l'Hérault. – GIACOMO ITALIANO

An economic investment mission organized by the United States Embassy in France was held this Thursday in Montpellier.

Approximately 70 companies from Hérault facing representatives of economic development agencies from fifteen American states (*).

Such was the astonishing cast of the unique meeting hosted at the Hôtel Saint-Côme in Montpellier, departmental headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, this Thursday March 14.

First visit of a US ambassador to Montpellier

A meeting which deserved the description of an event when, early in the morning, he benefited from the presence, brief but rare (in Montpellier it was even a first), of the’ rsquo;Ambassador of the United States of America to the French Republic and the Principality of Monaco, Denise Campbell Bauer. 

The American Embassy in France which, through its United States Department of Commerce, and with Jasjit Singh, executive director of the government program SelectUSA, organized this "economic investment mission", as one was held in Toulouse the day before, and as Nice is receiving one this Friday.

"Continue to other continents"

L’lens ? "Meet French companies interested in investing in the United States, and strengthen their international openness by providing information and answers to all their questions"&amp ;nbsp;indicated the commercial department of the embassy.

Also supported by the Métropole, the Medef and the CCI 34, this morning was obviously the pride of the president of the latter, André Deljarry, who detailed its relevance: "We work well with Germany, with the Maghreb. Our goal is to continue on other continents. Some companies don't even know that they can go international, and that's a whole portion of turnover that is not being made he noticed fromMidi Libre.

"Growth has no boundaries"

"It's up to us to provide this insight, as a guide and facilitator. And this meeting is a great opportunity: we must open up to the world, growth has no borders!".

Comments corroborated by Philippe Malagola, president of the port of Sète-Frontignan, also present: "In Sète, we have a marina, which welcomes large pleasure craft, managed by an American company, Igy. And we come to meet these American delegations to see the possible developments for an international port like ours. Because after Marseille-Fos, Sète is the second port in the French Mediterranean."

Opening to the United States

Christophe Douat, chairman of the board of directors of the company MedinCell, based in Jacou (Hérault, 140 employees), is all the more convinced by an opening towards the United States United States, that  "in our sector, medicines, 70% of global turnover is done in the United States. And our drug, Uzedy, against schizophrenia, has just obtained approval in the United States. Where we have a subsidiary with two employees, while we also have Americans, among the 25 nationalities who work in Jacou."

"You have to go at the right time"

Ambitious and optimistic for the development and impact of his company on this sector of activity across the Atlantic, he ensures that "the States -United is an absolutely strategic axis for us. But you have to go at the right time, as Bertin Nahum knew how to do, not too early."

And there will be no shortage of opportunities "in the years to come, because the Montpellier technological ecosystem is exploding!&quot ;

Were represented: Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia.

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