With spring, the historic halls of Millau announced “more lively and more welcoming”
|Ville et étaliers des halles affichent un front uni pour une redynamisation à moyen et long terme. Midi Libre – F.MAYET
Les onze étals, ouverts plus largement (du mercredi au samedi jusqu'à 13 h), vont aussi participer à des animations grand public.
It was early last summer. Emmanuelle Gazel, mayor of Millau, said – already – the ambition linked to the halls. "This is the beating heart of downtown Millau. We have been working for a year to give it a second wind. We want to revitalize the halls, truly making them a tool of attractiveness for all and more efficient work for those who bring them to life." Almost a year later late this Thursday, Charlie Meideiros, delegate advisor for trade, smiled as he announced "a certain form of achievement to have more lively, more welcoming halls."
"Some stallholders have hired, others have reviewed their organizations"
The municipal and community elected official, tells "having exchanged a lot with the traders to, in particular, understand the constraints of each." Negotiations which therefore ultimately lead to an agreement announced as win-win-win : for the City, traders… and customers! "Some stallholders have hired, others have reviewed their organizations," insists Charlie Meideiros. "The City, too, reviewed the organization within the halls building itself."
To the smile of the creamer Com Com
As early as last November, municipal technical services carried out work to remove the two planters and the central fountain, replacing them with elegant tiling. The heart of the halls thus cleared must now be dedicated to activities for the eleven stalls. "We are going to relaunch the association of hall traders within a few days. She was a little sleepy. Lots of proposals have already flowed." With, also, the establishment of a precise operation to rebuild the treasury of this association. "When traders will commit 1€ for external service providers the City will support them with the equivalent amount of 1€ within the limit of a ceiling of 2000 € per year."
A promotional campaign in town
Since Wednesday May 15 and until May 26 the ten stalls – just missing the future cellar of the comings and goings – display nicely on street furniture « lollipop » on the initiative of the Community of Communes Millau Grands Causses. No less than twenty posters are scattered around town. Under the generic slogan "Halles de Millau, the alliance of good and local" The opening hours are clearly stated (Wednesday to Saturday until 1 p.m.) with, for each poster, a photo highlighting the stalls: Vidal charcuterie, Ambias farm, Carzola fishmonger, Marc and Jeny butchery, Au smile from the creamery, fine chicken, Viala charcuterie, organic loc’halles, Sarabelle charcuterie and the fisherman's basket. Which, as Charlie Meideiros points out, "help people fill their fridges properly." Without forgetting to remind, also, that the nearby Calvé underground car park "offers the first half hour of free parking."
Aurélie Taffin, facilitator of the OCA (office of commerce and crafts) took charge of the file, inevitably important in an increasingly 2.0 daily life, of social networks . "We are going to relaunch the Les Halles Facebook page which has been dormant since 2015." An Instagram account has also been announced. "The idea is to promote our region, short circuits. We really have nothing to envy of other halls in the region."
At organic loc'halles Com Com
Without forgetting the future celebration of the 125th anniversary of the listed building, let us remember, a historic monument. Also new is the opening, on June 15, of the Cave du va-et-vient which will offer a wine bar, tapas, charcuterie boards, cheeses (from the market of course!), regional and local organic wines as well as some local beers in bottles. All this on the days the halls are open, from Wednesday to Saturday as well as on Sunday mornings in the summer. "We are back on track… without having threatened anyone" concluded Charlie Meideiros.
Viala charcuterie Com Com