A Prime Minister who “sparkles”, ministers who are “better armed” but “without direction”: what are the strengths and weaknesses of the government ?

A Prime Minister who "sparkles", ministers who are "better armed" but "without direction": what are the strengths and weaknesses of the government ?

Gabriel Attal est entouré de profils politiques. MAXPPP – Vincent Isore

Emmanuel Macron on Friday urged the members of his "tightened" government, gathered in the green room of the Elysée, to act as "revolutionaries" and not as "managers", demanding "results". What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Attal team in the face of the challenges that await it ? Analysis with Christophe Barbier, former editorial director of L'Express, editorialist for the first channel d'information de France, BFMTV, and Actu J.

Is this new government calibrated to face the European elections ?

Yes, it’s a fighting government to support the Europeans. It is made up of pugnacious personalities and can speak to public opinion. This is not one of the favorite elections of the French, it is not easy to campaign, the national relay through an active, visible government, which touches the people, is therefore important.

The name of the head of the majority list is still missing, if it is Véran, he has been identified by the French since Covid and has shown fighting qualities. He comes out of a tour of RN cities and has armed himself to counter the arguments of this party which will be in the forefront. A Véran-Bardella or Attal-Bardella televised debate will have muscle and mouth.

Is this new government team better equipped to deal with the rise of the RN and Bardella ?

Unquestionably, it is better armed than the previous one. There is an energy with Attal, a renewal of style. Something has awakened in Macronism, a spring has reappeared. Borne had qualities, endurance, stubbornness, but she was a prefect, with all that that entailed in administrative rigor and sadness.

Attal will find something every week to interest the French. Macronism needs to sparkle and with Attal this will be the case. There is a real politically armed team behind it, of fighters, there will be muscle on the ground.

But it’s a fight that is continental, we have a government that is obliged to succeed, Europeans and the destiny of Europe on which Macron wishes to base his passage to posterity Attal must succeed' at the national level to reduce the gap between the RN and Renaissance and, if possible, to get ahead of Bardella. It will be very difficult. Macron must, for his part,   show in 2027 that he has macronized Europe a little, that he is the leader of a social liberal democratic Europe which stands in the way of a populist right-wing Europe. , it’is far from won.

A Prime Minister who "sparkles", ministers who are "better armed" but "without direction": what are the strengths and weaknesses of the government ?

Christophe Barbier is an editorialist, notably at BFMTV. Midi Libre – M.C.

Can the war prizes on the right that are Dati and Vautrin pay off ?

This will not displace a deputy, the majority problem in the Assembly has not been resolved, on the contrary: the opposition of the LR will be hardened, because they are upset.

This will not displace voters either, those who came from the right towards Macron did so more for a Bruno Le Maire, who reassures business leaders and elderly people on the economy.

Will this government be able to act in the absence of a majority ?

The inability to act will force the invention of a new method. Seeking a peaceful agreement with LR is over. LR will only have one thing in mind, to hinder the action of the government, to prevent Attal from shining. The government will therefore have to find ways of action to bypass the Assembly, by addressing public opinion, which is what Attal did at Education.

Or go to the Assembly with texts that annoy the oppositions and force them to vote. The theme of the end of life can be favorable to him, it can be a trap for the opposition. But he cannot hope that the Pacte II or housing laws pass with applause. This is going to be very difficult.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Attal team in the face of all these challenges ?

Its strength is to be tight, there are major centers and ministers delegated around Attal on important subjects (ecological transition, violence against women), we have a government which has fortresses, it’s a good organization, and they are held by real politicians, personalities who have authority.

The weakness of this government is twofold: it will work in terrible budgetary conditions, it is necessary to find 12 billion euros; for 2025, and, for the moment, it has no cap.

Do the executive's choices reflect the influence of Nicolas Sarkozy ?

Yes, through the personalities who come from the right and reading the last few months.

Sarkozy pleads, for example, for a pact between the LR and Macron, which is ultimately done ministry by ministry, that is to say that’ rsquo;right-wing theses were imported into many of them.

Macron listens to Sarkozy a lot, he doesn't necessarily hear him, but his vision influenced the composition of this government team.

Can the arrival of Dati foreshadow an alliance between LR and the majority in the municipal elections in Paris ?

No, not an alliance, it's a bit like "The blind man and the paralytic". Dati knew that LR wouldn't really support her in Paris – Ciotti had suggested he take the Europeans –, and Macron had no one for Paris, which led to this alliance.

I am very skeptical about the ability of Macron and Dati to take Paris. I think that Edouard Philippe will have a candidate in the first round, Pierre-Yves Bournazel, and that LRs will want to take Dati's place with the support of Ciotti.

Moreover, if things go badly between Dati and the cultural circles, which are very Parisian, it won't help him. It’s up to her to show that she can be a very good Minister of Culture and change the situation.

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