A temple dedicated to treatments: in Balaruc-les-Bains, the thermal baths begin a new season of cures

A temple dedicated to treatments: in Balaruc-les-Bains, the thermal baths begin a new season of cures

En attendant l'arrivée des curistes, le personnel profite des installations Midi Libre – Thomas Ancona-Léger

The thermal establishment is preparing to welcome thousands of spa guests, coming from all over France to enjoy the benefits of this precious water.

The story goes that Heracles bathed there before leaving to look for Geryon's bulls and bring back apples from the garden of the Hesperides: in Baraluc-les-Bains, we like to talk about the ;#39;mythological origin of the terms. Proud of this illustrious past, today's establishment continues to exploit the benefits of thermal water, rich in bicarbonates and trace elements, which flows into the basements of the city.

"It's not magic, but chemistry", reminds Paul- François Houvion, the director of the site  never stingy with witticisms, "nevertheless it's not because you have the right ingredients that you have the recipe".

No problem recruiting

Understand: water is not everything, you still need to know how to use it correctly. And in this game, the team from the Balaruc-les-Bains thermal baths are masters in this area. "Here, we only have ultra-competent people" utters the director from his office overlooking the lagoon. French physiotherapy champions, high-flying computer scientists, engineers capable of managing tens of kilometers of pipes and renowned spa doctors.

To listen to him, the establishment would be a breeding ground for talents of all kinds. Moreover, Paul-François Houvion is proud of it: contrary to the current trend in hospitals, he has never had problems recruiting nurses. Better still, there would even be a jostling at the HR gate if we are to believe his words. 

A temple dedicated to treatments: in Balaruc-les-Bains, the thermal baths begin a new season of cures

Paul-François Houvion, director of the establishment with Didier Calas, CEO of SPLETH Midi Libre – Thomas Ancona-Léger

The first private employer in the Thau Basin

The comparison with the hospital does not stop there. With more than 400 employees, the thermal baths are, with the hospital center, the largest employer in the Thau Basin. The first if we confine ourselves to the private sector. In total, hydrotherapy would even support more than 1000 people in the region.

A significant figure when we know that the establishment is managed by a public limited company, 85% owned by the municipality of Balaruc-les-Bains.

Staff in bathrobes

"To take care of people, you must first take care of your staff" : Paul-François Houvion states this maxim to anyone who wants to hear it. Proof of this attention given to employees, everyone is entitled to free treatment before the arrival of spa guests this Monday. "Even the mason who has worked well", says magnanimously to the director as he passes between the pools where the staff in bathrobes are relaxing.

This former director of a pizza restaurant chain arrived at the head of the establishment in August 2021 with the mission of rectifying the situation after the health crisis. "Basically, I am a restaurateur and grocer", he likes to recall. A profile that pleased Didier Calas, CEO of SPLETH, who chose him from more than 600 candidates.

Attendance on the rise

It is clear that Paul-François Houvion fulfilled his contract rather well. With more than 45,000 spa guests in 2022 and more than 47,000 in 2023, the establishment is filling up and gaining ground. "Every year we win the' equivalent to visiting a medium-sized spa", he explains. In terms of turnover, in 2023 the treatment activity alone has accumulated around 32 million euros. A "record" according to the director.

Health at the center of the project

"Rich in bicarbonates and trace elements, the waters of Balaruc-les-Bains are particularly effective in fighting against rheumatology conditions and against all forms of joint pain and rheumatism", explains Doctor Desfour, rheumatologist in the establishment.

For him, the particularity of these thermal baths lies in the attention paid to the medical aspect. "We are going against the trend of 'wellnes' (well-being, Editor's note). Here, we have always put health at the center of our project ", he explains, specifying that "the treatment is an integral part of the therapeutic package".

Proof of this is the specific care program put in place for problems linked to post-cancer, the benefits of which were revealed in a study published in 2022 by Doctor Helene Gourdon. ;nbsp;

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