“An incomprehensible decision”, “the coalition of the mediocre”, “the choice of seriousness”…: the reactions of Hérault to the nomination of Michel Barnier

"An incomprehensible decision", "the coalition of the mediocre", "the choice of seriousness"...: the reactions of Hérault to the nomination of Michel Barnier

Michel Barnier à Montpellier fin 2013. Midi Libre – MICHAEL ESDOURRUBAILH

Les réactions ont été nombreuses, souvent très critiques pour accueillir le nouveau Premier ministre qui va remplacer Gabriel Attal à Matignon.

Les réactions à la nomination de Michel Barnier à Matignon n'ont pas tardé localement. Le sénateur socialiste héraultais Hussein Bourgi was the most biting in speaking about “the lowest common denominator of the coalition of the mediocre”. The parliamentarian speaks of a “pale, bland and affable character, elected for 50 years (!) and having occupied all possible political functions. But whose major achievement has not left its mark”. Hussein Bourgi also criticizes the NFP's obstinacy: “The sorcerer's apprentices have won! They wanted at all costs “Lucie Castets, with the program, the whole program and nothing but the NFP program”. They will have Michel Barnier."

The socialist mayor of Montpellier, Michaël Delafosse is not much more tender : “Choosing a leader of the LR, a party of 47 deputies, who refused the Republican Front in the second round as Prime Minister is an incomprehensible decision, just as the dissolution was an incomprehensible decision. The responsibility is great in the face of those who feed democratic distrust by not respecting the choice of citizens”.

“The choice of experience”

The rebellious deputy Nathalie Oziol is also fierce on X: “Macron steals the NFP victory by appointing Michel Barnier as Prime Minister. The French did not vote for the return of Sarkozyism. She promises to respond with “censorship and the impeachment of the President."

The senator of Hérault Jean-Pierre Grand, close to the presidential majority believes that Michel Barnier is "the choice of seriousness, convictions, and experience. I have known him since our first political steps in the Young Gaullist Movement. If we love France and the French, we must help him in his difficult mission".

Arnaud Julien, departmental secretary of the Républicains in Hérault is pleased to see the arrival "after 12 years, of a prime minister from our political party. A man of experience who will act in a difficult context. It is up to him to find a majority in order to implement a right-wing program in the economic and sovereign areas expected by our voters. A real challenge…

LR/RN MP, Charles Alloncle wishes Michel Barnier every success and expects the Prime Minister's policy to be "respectful of all French people, without contempt or exclusion of the more than 10 million patriotic voters." But is indignant that the nomination “confirms the alignment of the Republicans with Macronism. A facade of cohabitation, without a deep break that will only prolong the French decline accelerated by Emmanuel Macron”.

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