“As Salem Aleykum, we come from the Islamic State”: what the letter of terrorist threats against high schools contains

“As Salem Aleykum, we come from the Islamic State”: what the letter of terrorist threats against high schools contains

La lettre de menaces terroristes envoyée à nombreux lycée. Montage Midi Libre

This Wednesday, March 20, 2024, students from several dozen schools received a threatening message. It’s a digital letter addressed to them.

This Thursday, vigilance is at its maximum for around forty high schools, after the students of these establishments received a message the day before with numerous terrorist threats. This text was sent directly to their digital workspace (ENT). Here is what the letter contains with the terrorist threats.

Motivations, objectives…

"As Salem Aleykum, we come from the Islamic State. I am writing this message to you to announce my decision. I have finally decided to complete my project, these are the first words of this letter followed by the recipients.

"Tomorrow Thursday March 21, I will blow up the entire establishment around 11/3 p.m. and I will decapitate all your kuffar bodies to serve Allah the Almighty who rules the world", it is mentioned.

Next come the motivations and objectives of the person who wrote this message addressed to numerous educational establishments. "If I’write this message, it’s to find acolytes who can help me to carry out this project, my Muslim brothers. I put C4 everywhere in the school and in the classes. I hope that your bodies of kuffars explode you into 1,000 pieces, I will bring my dogs to come and tear you apart, you unbeliever: (If you want to join us to carry out this war we have sent a video at the end of this message that will show you how to easily kill all these miscreants)."

"No deity worthy of worship apart from Allah", it is emphasized. This is followed by a quote from sura 9 verse 29 of the Koran. "Glory to Allah", these are the last words to conclude the letter that the students received after the hacking of ENT accounts.

Decapitation video

A video "unbearable" of decapitation is attached to the email. "Our youth are in danger. The government must act", publishes the National Inter-University Union (UNI) on its official account X.

Even if this mail seems to be "hoax", according to Le Figaro, the investigative services are seeking to unmask the author and the police have passed through the Hauts-de-Seine establishment in fine comb.

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