Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV…. if you have been to this dentist, it is better to consult a doctor quickly

Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV.... if you have been to this dentist, it is better to consult a doctor quickly

Des problèmes d'hygiène ont été constatés dans le cabinet dentaire. Caroline LM sur Unsplash – Illustration

L’Agence régionale de santé de Normandie a révélé lundi 12 février avoir épinglé lors d’un contrôle un cabinet dentaire situé à Veules-les-Roses pour des problèmes d'hygiènes. Les patients pourraient avoir été exposés à plusieurs virus dangereux même si la probabilité reste faible.

If you have been to this dentist, be wary. The Normandy Regional Health Agency revealed on Monday February 12 that it had identified a dental practice located in Veules-les-Roses during an inspection for “various shortcomings of a nature to call into question the quality and safety of care”.

Patients were informed individually by mail and invited to consult a doctor to carry out a serological test. Objective: to detect possible contamination by the hepatitis B virus, the hepatitis C virus or the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The risks are low, even very low, but exist.

Hygiene problems

“As part of this program, the ARS carried out an inspection of a dental practice located in Veules-les -Roses. The objective was to assess the quality of care and compliance with standards and good hygiene practices. During this inspection, several breaches of regulations were noted, particularly relating to hygiene rules”, explains the Normandy Regional Health Agency in a press release .

L’ARS adds that it has “put the firm on notice to put in place corrective measures in order to remedy the dysfunctions observed”. A counter-inspection visit has since been carried out on site at the end of January.

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