In Nîmes public schools: reserving the canteen, mission impossible!

In Nîmes public schools: reserving the canteen, mission impossible!

Malgré le problème, les enfants peuvent continuer à déjeuner à l'école. M.A. – Midi Libre

Depuis le début d'année, un couac informatique empêche la réservation des repas par les parents.

L'incident technique survenu sur le site internet de Dupont Restauration au retour des vacances de fin d’année devrait perdurer quelques semaines encore.

Since the start of the school year – in Nîmes only – parents of children attending public nursery and primary schools can no longer reserve places in collective catering for their toddlers online.

Family concerns

While some families fear being charged the penalty incurred when a child shows up at the canteen without reservation, others fear, even worse, that their offspring will not be able to attend the canteen. is simply more welcomed, due to lack of prior reservation.

Reassuring company

Contacted, the collective catering company which certainly recognizes a “technical” reassures.

« The penalty usually incurred in the event of meals taken without reservation is for the hour suspended, while the problem is resolved. And obviously, all children whose parents so wish will be welcome for lunch during the lunch break! », specifies a representative of the company.

In Caveirac or Milhaud, where Dupont Restauration also provides meals in schools, no incident has been observed by parents when booking meals at the canteen.

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