It is nicknamed “the poor man's drug”: what is pregabalin, this drug whose trafficking is exploding ?

It is nicknamed "the poor man's drug": what is pregabalin, this drug whose trafficking is exploding ?

La prégabaline, plus connu sous son nom commercial Lyrica, est en général vendue environ 2 euros l’unité. ILLUSTARTION MAXPPP

Prescrite pour traiter l’épilepsie, les troubles anxieux généralisés et les douleurs neuropathiques, la prégabaline fait l’objet d’un trafic international qui lui a valu le triste surnom de "drogue du pauvre".

It’is an ordinary red and white or pink tablet, which has caused a lot of ink to flow recently. Pregabalin is a drug that belongs to the antiepileptic drug family, but it is also prescribed for patients suffering from neuropathic pain or for certain forms of anxiety such as generalized anxiety disorder.

The misuse of this medication, better known by its trade name Lyrica, as a narcotic product has been noted for several years in France, particularly in the context of falsified prescriptions or medical and pharmaceutical nomadism.

The main complications linked to pregabalin misuse are coma, impaired consciousness, disorientation, confusion and can lead to death.

Faced with the increase in cases of abuse, dependence, misuse and falsified prescriptions, the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) has restricted in May 2021 the conditions for prescribing pregabalin, which is now limited to six months and is the subject of a secure and tamper-proof prescription.

Two euros per tablet

Nicknamed the "poor man's drug" due to its low cost, it is regularly sold by delinquency networks urban also active in the illegal sale of cigarettes and tobacco, according to a press release from the General Directorate of Customs, dated November 8.

This Tuesday, April 23, three people were indicted and imprisoned in Marseille in an investigation into international trafficking of pregabalin from Greece.

The medicines "transported by plane by passengers or by postal parcels, were resold in Marseille for misappropriated use&quot ;, specified the prosecution, indicating that the illegal importation is estimated at 288,911 pills for an amount of 577,822 euros on resale. Or an amount of 2 euros per tablet.

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