Paris 2024 Olympic Games: Nana Mouskouri and Gabriella Papadakis stars at a ceremony in Greece before the big departure of the flame

Paris 2024 Olympic Games: Nana Mouskouri and Gabriella Papadakis stars at a ceremony in Greece before the big departure of the flame

La flamme a parcouru 5000 kilomètres en Grèce, comme ici à Thessalonique, avant d'embarquer pour la France. MAXPPP – Giannis Papanikos

Lit on April 16 in Olympia, the 2024 Olympic flame ends its relay on Greek soil this Friday evening with a ceremony in Athens. She will board the Belem on Saturday to reach Marseille on May 8.

The flame of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games will be handed over this Friday evening April 26 to the French organizers during a ceremony in Athens before embarking on Saturday ;aboard the three-masted Belem to reach Marseille.

Also read:Paris 2024 Olympics: between myths and religion, how the ancient Games were born in the sanctuary of Olympia

A symbol of unity and peace, the flame, lit on April 16 in the ancient Greek site of Olympia, must be transmitted after its arrival at 6 p.m. ;nbsp;30 locals at the Panathenaic Stadium in the center of the Greek capital, according to the official program of the organizers.

Final stage at Marathon

This Friday morning, the flame made a final stop at the emblematic place of Marathon, 42 km from Athens, after having traveled 5000 km across the Greece, relayed by 600 people on islands and archaeological sites including the Rock of the Acropolis of Athens.