Rape, touching… Rachel Keke, LFI MP, denounces the sexual assault she suffered when she was a maid

Rape, touching... Rachel Keke, LFI MP, denounces the sexual assault she suffered when she was a maid

La députée LFI Rachel Keke dévoile avoir été victime d’agression sexuelle quand elle était femme de chambre. MAXPPP – Vincent Isore

This Saturday, April 27, 2024, Rachel Keke, elected LFI deputy, spoke in Focus Dimanche to the  rsquo;occasion of the release of his book "This rage in my heart".

Guest of Focus Sunday on RTL , Rachel Keke, elected LFI deputy, testified to the reality of the profession of maid. "In this profession, there is rape, there is touching", she says before adding in an emotional tone" ;nbsp;: "Customers think they are free to do whatever they want to do."

The one who made herself known as the spokesperson for the chambermaids of the Ibis Batignolles hotel on strike against the Accor group, denounced the sexist and sexual violence suffered in his old job.

"These women who are victims are ashamed"

She also recounts her own experience: "I was the victim of a touching. There was a client who touched my breasts. I say it: in this profession, often when you arrive and knock on the door, the client, when he opens the door for you, he shows you his penis!

Invited to talk about her new book "This rage in my heart", she talks about the way clients treat racialized women.  "They don't know their rights. And the client does everything he wants to do with these women, she laments.

Some victims will even keep silent, because they are ashamed to speak. "This is reality. And the system means that today, these women who are victims are ashamed, and are afraid to speak out for fear of bad judgment against them", explains the MP.

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