Residents, angry, say no to the City's traffic plan

Residents, angry, say no to the City's traffic plan

La présentation du plan de circulation proposé aux habitants.

Les habitants du quartier de Puech-du-Teil étaient invités, jeudi, par leur comité de quartier à se prononcer sur un plan de circulation proposé par la Ville. C’est dans une salle du collège Jules-Verne très copieusement garnie que Jean-Daniel Depoudent, président du comité, rappelait ce qui avait occasionné ce rendez-vous :"For more than 10 years, the committee has been fighting for a traffic plan to be put in place in the neighborhood. Today, 26 buildings have been or will be built, representing 6 hectares of vegetation uprooted. The problems are there: traffic, parking and water flow because the concrete does not absorb anything. The City, through its first deputy, received us on March 14 to present a traffic plan mainly concerning the part adjoining Kennedy Avenue. We did not issue any opinion that day because we believe that the decision belongs to thex riverains."

The presentation of this plan was approached with significant modifications such as making Chemin de Pissevin one-way ("It's dangerous, the vehicles will go even further faster than today", remarked a resident) or from chemin Frédéric-Mistral only authorizing the exit onto rue Henri-Revoil. "It will be complicated for immediate residents and rue Henri-Revoil will be even more saturated",noted another person. Residents also saw in the planned one-way street on rue Henri-Revoil, for the part between rue du Vallon and rue Puech-du-Teil, an amplification of the problem at the bottom of rue Puech-du-Teil.

Residents highlighted other problems that were important to them, such as access to the only school in the neighborhood, the lack of plans for bicycle traffic or the absence of sidewalks. . The crossroads called Vallon was also mentioned: "The City must put rocks to avoid parking while awaiting its renovation", explained Jean-Daniel Depoudent. For everyone, the urbanization of this sector is a major cause. This galloping urbanization, which the inhabitants cannot digest, has led to various comments: "It is the developers who do the town planning in Nîmes " , " Permits were granted without a traffic study", " I have not sold my house to a developer, I take it as a punishment, with the right of reservation, I can be expropriated at any time". After a long debate, the residents decided to present in the form of a petition, which will be given to the City, all their points of disagreement with the planned project. In addition, they will ask elected officials and managers of the services concerned to come to their neighborhood to discuss these points.

Correspondent Midi Libre: 06 87 35 18 06

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