Salty, sweet… what breakfast to prepare to stock up on energy and reduce blood sugar ?

Salty, sweet... what breakfast to prepare to stock up on energy and reduce blood sugar ?

Whether you have diabetes or not, it is not recommended to skip breakfast. DR

Do not miss ! After a night's sleep, our body must replenish its energy before starting the day. This is the whole point of breakfast which proves all the more valuable for diabetics, with their eyes fixed on their blood sugar levels. Explanations.

For people who suffer from diabetes, the contents of the plate are essential. Particularly at breakfast when the offer in this area often consists of sweet products (industrial cereals, fruit juice, jam…).

Whether you are diabetic or not, you should not skip it. In fact, breakfast should cover between 20 and 25% of daily energy needs. And, "deprived of breakfast, the body tries to compensate. It sends messages to the brain, hunger is then felt and encourages us to snack and consume fatty and/or sweet products, which are not very satiating, writes the Diabetics Federation.

What is diabetes ?

Blood sugar levels, blood sugar levels, vary throughout the day due to several factors such as diet, more or less intense physical activity and stress. .

One of the keys to this variation is called insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas. Its mission ? To facilitate the entry of glucose into our cells, to then be used as a source of energy or to be stored for future use. Insulin is therefore involved in the regulation of glycemia, sugar levels, in the blood. For example, during a meal, it tends to rise after the ingestion of carbohydrates in particular, which leads to the secretion of insulin to regulate it.

Complex carbohydrates to regulate

In a non-diabetic person, the pancreas exercises this regulatory function naturally according to glycemic variations. On the other hand, in a diabetic patient, the system is disrupted: the pancreas does not produce insulin or in insufficient quantity. In both cases, it does not exercise its regulatory function. Diabetes is therefore characterized by the presence of excess sugar in the blood, hyperglycemia. Hence the importance for the patient to pay careful attention to the contents of their plate, particularly in terms of carbohydrates.

Found in starchy foods (wholemeal bread, cereals, rice, pasta, pulses, potatoes…), complex carbohydrates are slowly absorbed by the body. They therefore gradually increase blood sugar levels. This is not the case for so-called “simple” carbohydrates. rapidly absorbed and therefore likely to rapidly raise blood sugar levels and cause hyperglycemia. These are foods with a sweet taste such as sweets, sweet drinks, pastries, pastries, sweetened cereals, etc.

Superstar fibers

This is why, to avoid morning hyperglycemia, diabetics are recommended to focus on a breakfast that is both complete and balanced. So if you are concerned, bet on:

A glass of water or a mug of tea, coffee or infusion rather than a glass of industrial fruit juice, loaded with sugar; Fiber, contained for example in oatmeal, whole grains or whole grain bread, rather than white bread. Not only will the latter cause blood sugar levels to jump, but it also has a less satiating effect; A dairy product: yogurt, fromage blanc, fromage frais … A fresh fruit or some dried fruit, rich in fiber.

And in any case – if only for cereals – read food labels carefully. "If sugar appears at the top of the list, this indicates that it is mainly present in the product", concludes the French Federation of Diabetics (FFD).

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