War in Ukraine: deaths in Kharkiv, exchange between Macron and Zelensky, Ukrainian general staff completed… update on the situation

War in Ukraine: deaths in Kharkiv, exchange between Macron and Zelensky, Ukrainian general staff completed... update on the situation

Les flammes après l'attaque de drones russes à Kharkiv qui a fait plusieurs morts dont des enfants. EPA – YAKIV LIASHENKO

Every day, Midi Libre takes stock of the situation in Ukraine. This Saturday, February 10, 2024, discover the latest news around this conflict.

7 dead including 3 children in Kharkiv after a Russian drone attack

Seven Ukrainian civilians, including a couple and their three children, died in an overnight Russian drone attack in Kharkiv, Ukraine's second city, the region's governor said on Saturday , Oleh Synehubov. The governor indicated Friday evening that Iranian-designed Shahed drones had targeted civilian infrastructure in and around Kharkiv.

He said on Saturday that at least fifteen houses had been destroyed by fires in a district in the east of the city, after a strike against a fuel depot . The victims are a prosecutor from the local jurisdiction, Olha Poutyatina, her husband and their children Oleksiy, 7 years old, Mykhaïlo, 3 years old (property: 3), and Pavlo, ten months old, specifies the regional prosecutor's office.

Olha Poutyatina, 35, was on maternity leave and had worked for the Kharkiv jurisdiction since June 2012, the office adds on Telegram messaging. "The family was trapped in the fire that broke out in their house", is- he indicated.

An elderly couple living on the same street were also killed and three other people were injured. The Ukrainian Air Force said it shot down 23 of 31 Shahed drones launched overnight against the Kharkiv and Odessa regions in the south of the country.

Exchange between Emmanuel Macron and Volodymyr Zelensky

This Saturday, February 10, 2024, Presidents Volodymyr Zelensky and Emmanuel Macron met to discuss the situation of the conflict but also the needs in terms of armaments, reports Le Figaro.

This exchange between the head of state and his Ukrainian counterpart took place by telephone. In a publication on X, Volodymyr Zelensky first wanted to thank the "unfailing support" of its ally and the French.

He then discussed the subjects namely "the situation on the battlefield and Ukraine's defense needs , which include drones, artillery and munitions, electronic warfare and air defense systems ranging from man-portable to long-range", he said .

Volodymyr Zelensky then spoke of joint agreements on security based on the G7 Vilnius Declaration.

The President of Ukraine also highlighted the "very positive and focused&quot ;  of the call, and that the exchange fully corresponded to expectations and met the needs.

Volodymyr Zelensky completes the Ukrainian General Staff

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced this Saturday the appointment of five officers to complete the revamped Combined Arms Staff of the Ukrainian army, following the appointment of General Oleksandr Syrskyi to his head.

In his daily address, the Ukrainian president specified that seasoned commanders would take on new functions, as Ukraine enters its third year of war against Russia on February 24. Colonel Vadym Soukharevsky will be deputy chief of staff for unmanned aerial vehicles, and has been tasked with developing the use of drones for military use.

Colonel Andriy Lebedenko will be deputy chief of staff for combat systems and technological innovation. Also promoted: brigadier generals Volodymyr Horbatiouk (operations and administration), Oleksiy Chevchenko (logistics), and Mykhaïlo Drapaty (training).

General Oleksandr Syrskyi, who was until now chief of staff of the army, was named commander-in-chief of the 800,000 soldiers on Thursday Ukrainians.

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