“You have to work like a child who plays”: two-star chef Michel Kayser celebrates the 40th anniversary of his house

“You have to work like a child who plays”: two-star chef Michel Kayser celebrates the 40th anniversary of his house

“You have to work like a child who plays”: two-star chef Michel Kayser celebrates the 40th anniversary of his house

The master of the place cooks with as much greed and pleasure as ever. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

“You have to work like a child who plays”: two-star chef Michel Kayser celebrates the 40th anniversary of his house

A plant garden to accommodate a variation around shrimp. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

“You have to work like a child who plays”: two-star chef Michel Kayser celebrates the 40th anniversary of his house

En cuisine, une brigade fidèle, menée par le chef Arnaud Bresteau. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

Ce dimanche 23 juin, le chef doublement étoilé célèbre les 40 ans de son restaurant Alexandre, à Garons dans le Gard. Rencontre avec un passionné des équilibres et des saveurs.

"When customers come here, I want them to experience a suspended moment, to enter into my atmosphere and for it to be reflected on their plate." 

The atmosphere of Michel Kayser is the love of beauty, of goodness, of balance. It’s art, on the walls of his restaurant and in his dishes, the inexhaustible search for new associations, the desire to shake up the codes, to create. A walk in the pink dunes of the Salins du Midi ? And this is how, after more than a year of tests, failures, and discoveries, a sublime reinterpretation of radish-butter was born.

"They tell you it’s forbidden ? No matter! We have to go beyond that, go further" 

While this Sunday, June 23, Michel and Monique Keyser will celebrate the 40th anniversary of their house, their journey, tinged with two stars, has not always been a long, quiet river: "We arrived here, in Garons, with Pierre Alexandre, in 1983, we signed in 1984. In 1987, we won the first star", remembers, in a smile, the chef, then 32 years old. But heavy tensions with the owner of the place appear. The bank trusts the couple, grants them a loan allowing them to acquire 51% of the restaurant's shares and take over its management. Michel and his wife only managed to manage the remaining 49% in 2000… Before, in 2007, at the cost of hard work, they won a coveted second star in a Michelin Guide including Michel Kayser bought "all copies since 1973. I have no other references…"

Inspiration on the plate

"If a peach falls into a ditch next to a fennel, you know you can marry them." Michel Kayser's cuisine is seasonal, more than 90% local, but imbued with modernity. "We are interested in where the product comes from and who produces it", assures the cook who always finds so much pleasure in creating a recipe, supported by an entire brigade headed by Arnaud Bresteau, present since 2008. A loyalty that also operates in the dining room, like Vincent Mazurier, dining room director, who arrived in 2006 or Lionel Delsol, already present in 1992 before making his return in 2006.

"A nice product, it's self-respecting"

He, the child whose father "never tasted foie gras or caviar in his life"< /em>. He, whose parents could not afford to go to a restaurant, is now sitting at the table of the greatest chefs in France. Without ever forgetting where it comes from: "At home, we ate simple, but we ate good", confie Michel Kayser, remembering, with relish, the recipes of his mother or grandmothers.

“You have to work like a child who plays”: two-star chef Michel Kayser celebrates the 40th anniversary of his house

An appetizer based on a wasabi tile. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

In memory of his apprenticeship "the hard way" with Pierre Sternjacob, he will keep the love of sauces, terrines, of always better. Which he in turn passes on, with demanding kindness to his brigade, to these “people who have talent”. And when we talk to him about the current trend of seasonal cuisine, of relying on local suppliers, he shrugs his shoulders: “It's always existed, we called it market cuisine. I'm just happy to see that we're coming back to these values”, admits the one who says he is faithful to his ideas: "A nice product, that's respectable, we call that consideration." 

Add a touch of aromatic perfume, a sprig of plants grown in the vegetable garden adjoining the restaurant and you will have this cuisine made with « love, so dear to the master of the stove. Who never stops reinventing themselves. "That’s coke, I haven’not yet figured out what I could do with it", coward he says as he walks through the rows of his garden where dozens of different plants grow. "Here, taste this, it tastes like icy mint", he continues, holding out a leaf which immediately refreshes the palate. barely chewed.

“You have to work like a child who plays”: two-star chef Michel Kayser celebrates the 40th anniversary of his house

MANI20240606A01Behind the restaurant, a garden extends where Michel Kayser cultivates aromatic plants and herbs. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

"Creation is that. One idea leads to another. You are told that it’s forbidden ? It doesn’t matter, you have to get past that, go further and find what you were looking for. Today, much more than before, we can strive towards excellence, in combinations, in tastes, in cooking that will not distort the product. You just have to find a balance. Because life is a balance, cowardly, philosophical, the one who did not hesitate to put Camargue bull in tartare on his menu. "Well, we didn't call him a bull, I was a little afraid that it would scare Parisians or foreign customers,  he's amused, lucid.

"You have to work like a child playing"

This sublimated meat recipe will therefore be called "Cooking aside from Homo Habilis in the Camargue" and will become an à la carte classic. But, after forty years of career, aren’t we tired of cooking ?"Even today, I have a lot of pleasure when I find a recipe, sometimes a little less so when I start cooking every day", he admits without complaining. In these moments, he also turns to his second passion, art, always in search of the painting or the artist who will create the decoration imagined in his head. Nothing is left to chance: from the entrance path which leads to the car park, to the "sentinels" which replace the flowers on the white tablecloths, including the tableware, unique.
"You have to work like a child playing", summarizes Michel Kayser. A child who dreamed without limits, his head in the stars, until he reached them.

“You have to work like a child who plays”: two-star chef Michel Kayser celebrates the 40th anniversary of his house

Monique and Michel Kayser, a couple as united in work as in life. Midi Libre – MiKAEL ANISSET

Monique, the pillar of the Kaysers

When these two look at each other, the world disappears. Monique Kayser is the one who welcomes all the customers, who has an eye on the room, who knows all the suppliers, who pays attention to everything, down to the smallest detail. The couple met when she came to do her apprenticeship at the Hôtel Bouvarel, in Saint-Hilaire-du-Rosier (Isère). She in the dining room, he in the kitchen, already. Even if Michel admits that, without question, his wife has a better palate than him. For more than forty years, she has followed her "work locomotive that never stops" everywhere. "You have to have patience with him!", she exclaims with a big smile. The hostess of this "house", as they call their restaurant, has forgotten nothing about these beginnings where they did not have &quot ;one cent. We had a lot of difficulties…", breathes Monique, glancing towards the room, her domain, the one where Michel only comes to greet the customers, otherwise "he makes a mess of me", she teases him. A marriage of characters, in complete harmony. 

Restaurant Alexandre Michel Kayser, 2 rue Xavier-Tronc in Garons. www.michelkayser.com. I subscribe to read more

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