Agde: tears and gratitude for the departure of Father Yannick Casajus

Agde: tears and gratitude for the departure of Father Yannick Casajus

Father Yannick received many gifts as a token of the affection of the people of Agde. MIDI LIBRE – MICHEL DESNOS

Agde: tears and gratitude for the departure of Father Yannick Casajus

A packed cathedral for Father Yannick Casajus' farewell. MIDI LIBRE – MICHEL DESNOS

Agde: tears and gratitude for the departure of Father Yannick Casajus

Les mots forts de Sébastien Frey, maire d'Agde. MIDI LIBRE – MICHEL DESNOS

Un bel hommage a été rendu vendredi 30 août à celui qui a œuvré 17 ans pour la paroisse du littoral agathois. Dans un cathédrale Saint-Etienne comble puis au moulin des Evêques, l'émotion était à son comble.

What emotion and tears shed. By believers, those who are less so, by Father Yannick himself, shaken by sobs throughout this beautiful evening. A strange feeling, between sadness to see him leave his parish and pride to attend his appointment to the cathedral of Montpellier.

The memory of Father Henri Bérail

In a Saint-Étienne cathedral packed well before time, where the memory of Father Henri Bérail floated, the mass was superb. Surrounded by several of his church brothers, including the colorful Robert Martin, Yannick Casajus had the right words for each one, those who make the life of the parish, “because no role is secondary”, the cultural and sports associations, the little hands who make the life of the commune.

The emotion of Yannick Casajus

Under the eyes of the educational community of the Notre-Dame school and college, members of the Hospitalité Saint-Roch, and personalities too, the archpriest never stopped thanking and thanking again. And it was a procession of several hundred people that headed towards the Moulin des Évêques, where the mayor of Agde Sébastien Frey, following Yves Michel, mayor of Marseillan and Jordan Dartier, his counterpart from Vias, declared that Yannick Casajus “had entered the lives of everyone here with kindness, benevolence and intelligence. It was a beautiful, happy and important meeting. Yannick, we love you."

In a voice trembling with emotion, Father Yannick recalled in turn that in 17 years, he had celebrated "1,200 funerals, a thousand baptisms and 400 marriages! Many families welcomed me and I wanted to be everyone's friend, without ever judging anyone. A huge thank you to all."

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