Rhythmic gymnastics: start of Olympic qualification for Montpellier Maêlle Millet

Rhythmic gymnastics: start of Olympic qualification for Montpellier Maêlle Millet

Maëlle Millet est à Athènes ce week-end. MAXPPP – Jean-François FREY

Elle participe depuis vendredi 22 mars, à une étape de Coupe du Monde, à Athènes. 

Three girls for two places in five competitions with a view to the European Championships and then the Olympic Games where there will only be one Frenchwoman. This is the equation that Montpellier's Maëlle Millet and Lily Ramonatxo have before them in the fight with Calais' Hélène Karbanov to be in Paris in July.

"An addition of their two best performances will be made before the European Championship", explains Aleksandra Konova , the head of the Montpellier hope center. A qualification race which will include the World Cup stages in Athens, Greece (this weekend), Sofia (April 12-14), Baku (April 19-21), Tashkent (April 26-28) but also the Thiais Grand Prix (March 30-31).

Lily Ramonatxo injured in the foot

A program that Lily Ramonatxo will not be able to follow in full, due to a foot injury. "She has edema, this is the stage before the stress fracture. She wears a boot until April 1st and will gradually resume. She hopes to be in Baku", underlines Aleksandra Konova.

She is replaced for this weekend's World Cup by her teammate Maëlle Millet. "Physically, tactically, she is in good shape. If she shows the same face as in training where she is regular…hellip; We don't ask him more, not less", wishes his coach to the hope pole.

Also read: Rhythmic gymnastics: the Paris 2024 Olympic Games are already being decided for Maëlle Millet

It will also be necessary to take into account the mental dimension. "This is a first qualifying competition. We will see how she will manage it, also knowing that she will be alone, since her staff will be in Montpellier. "She is fighting and motivated part", it is indicated on the side of the Mosson gymnasium.

An opportunity to score points and spirits before the continuation which, in the best case scenario, will involve the European championship (May 22-26), France (June 7-9 ), the World Cup stage in Milan (June 21-23). Who will designate the Frenchwoman who will participate in the Olympic Games.

This Friday, Millet obtained 31,650 pts in the hoop and 30,700 pts in the ball. This Saturday, ribbon and gear.

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