Rivière-sur-Tarn: “long” and “more modern”, this is what the future Beau Soleil Ehpad will look like

Rivière-sur-Tarn: “long” and “more modern”, this is what the future Beau Soleil Ehpad will look like

The mayor of Rivière-sur-Tarn Christian Forir during the ceremony to lay the first stone of the Beau Soleil nursing home. L.V.

Rivière-sur-Tarn: “long” and “more modern”, this is what the future Beau Soleil Ehpad will look like

The plan of the Beau Soleil nursing home in Rivière-sur-Tarn. HBM Architects

Rivière-sur-Tarn: “long” and “more modern”, this is what the future Beau Soleil Ehpad will look like

View of the future Beau Soleil Ehpad in Rivière-sur-Tarn from the gardens. HBM Architects

The new 4 500 m² must replace the current Ehpad Beau Soleil. It will be able to accommodate 70 residents.

Usually so peaceful, the small village of Rivière-sur-Tarn came alive on Friday evening with a very particular fervor on the occasion of the laying of the first stone of the future Beau Soleil nursing home.

"The fruit of collective work carried out for a long time and which took a long time to get started, explains Mayor Christian Forir, particularly in view of  "concerns on the ground, difficulties in financial arrangements or inflation", this new Ephad< em>  will replace the current establishment whose adaptation to new needs n’was no longer possible.< /p>

Located near the  housing "Les Mûriers", the  future gendarmerie and the center of the village, this new establishment designed by the’ Ruthenian architect Didier Blanc from the HBM Architectures firm, will be able to accommodate 70 residents.

"A structure on a human scale"

"All in length", arranged on two levels, "it will allow you to benefit from all the views of the existing environment", develops the architect. "C e future place of residence, modern, must allow us to offer all the necessary equipment adapted to the needs of the people welcomed, to provide dignified living conditions for the elderly vulnerable and optimal working conditions for staff in a human-sized structure", welcomed Philippe Pillon, president of the association’ Abbé Delmas, owner and manager of the site which has benefited from the support of the Opteo foundation since 2013.

On the financial side, the project estimated at 11.5 million euros is supported by the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy, by the ;intermediary of ARS Occitanie with an investment aid plan of 1.30M€ as part of the "Ségur de la Santé investment strategy in Occitanie".

An envelope of 900,000  € was also allocated under the  plan "France Relance". The municipality, for its part, has made available the land on which the new establishment will very soon be erected, delivery of which is hoped for in September 2025.

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